Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Network Problems

      2 5 1.2k

      Troubleshooting Advice?

      Just so you know ahead of time, I am a demo user.

      Whenever I play DEFCON against a computer, it runs fine. Whenever I play against someone over the internet, it logs in, and once the game starts, in a few seconds, text appears that says "CONNECTION PROBLEMS: 5 SEC." As I play, the number just increases and it takes as long to put units down as the Connection Problems number says. I know this is an internet problem, so any advice? Is it just because I have slow internet, or do I need to change some settings around?

      FYI, I run 10Mb/s.

      EDIT: Also, if only at least playing 1 player, is it possible to pause?

      This post has been edited by Captain Zaphod Beeblebrox : 18 October 2008 - 07:13 PM

    • @captain-zaphod-beeblebrox, on Oct 18 2008, 10:47 PM, said in Network Problems:

      Just so you know ahead of time, I am a demo user.

      Whenever I play DEFCON against a computer, it runs fine. Whenever I play against someone over the internet, it logs in, and once the game starts, in a few seconds, text appears that says "CONNECTION PROBLEMS: 5 SEC." As I play, the number just increases and it takes as long to put units down as the Connection Problems number says. I know this is an internet problem, so any advice? Is it just because I have slow internet, or do I need to change some settings around?

      FYI, I run 10Mb/s.

      What kind of computer are you running DEFCON on? What are you specs? What kind of framerates are you getting?

      @captain-zaphod-beeblebrox, on Oct 18 2008, 10:47 PM, said in Network Problems:

      EDIT: Also, if only at least playing 1 player, is it possible to pause?

      Before you start the game, you need to change the slowest possible speed setting in the advanced dialog settings. Once you have done that, it will be possible to pause the game.


    • @darwinian, on Oct 18 2008, 05:25 PM, said in Network Problems:

      What kind of computer are you running DEFCON on? What are you specs? What kind of framerates are you getting?

      I know it requires a G4 processor, but I'm running a 400MHz G3 iMac (512 Mb RAM). I set it up so it runs almost smooth. (If there's a specific way to check actual framerates, I can check that.)


      Before you start the game, you need to change the slowest possible speed setting in the advanced dialog settings. Once you have done that, it will be possible to pause the game.


      Cool, thank you.

      EDIT: I do fine hosting games (even if someone joins) I just can't stay connected to other people's games. And also, as a demo user, the option to change the slowest possible setting is locked.

      This post has been edited by Captain Zaphod Beeblebrox : 19 October 2008 - 04:37 PM

    • @captain-zaphod-beeblebrox, on Oct 19 2008, 06:52 PM, said in Network Problems:

      I know it requires a G4 processor, but I'm running a 400MHz G3 iMac (512 Mb RAM). I set it up so it runs almost smooth. (If there's a specific way to check actual framerates, I can check that.)
      Cool, thank you.

      EDIT: I do fine hosting games (even if someone joins) I just can't stay connected to other people's games.

      This is almost certainly the problem. If you are not getting at least 10 FPS, the game cannot send packets to the server fast enough to keep up, and you will lag behind. If you want to stay connected, you will need a faster computer. As it says on the tin, a G4 or better.

      @captain-zaphod-beeblebrox, on Oct 19 2008, 06:52 PM, said in Network Problems:

      And also, as a demo user, the option to change the slowest possible setting is locked.

      So buy the game.


    • Good advice, I just don't have the money at the moment.