_Welcome to this peace ceremony. We, F.A.G., were recently in control of some great looking warheads. However, like the rest of you seem to have done, we have disposed of them to further world peace and all that stuff. However, you are probably all aware of the recent tragedy that occurred in Manta's country. It appears that some of you did not destroy your nuclear stockpiles, but have hidden them for your personal use while the rest of the world's leaders cannot retaliate.
This is why you have all been called here today. I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E. has determined that there is at least three countries with hidden stockpiles, with the possibility of a fourth country being involved in this scandal. One of you, who wishes to remain hidden, his informed me that they are currently investigating the other countries. I have also given one of you the ability to use our advance anti-nuclear defence system. Please try to stop us all from being killed.
As you all hold significant power in your countries, you're allowed two armed bodyguards for this meeting. Please keep them under control. Any assassination attempts will be punished severely by a group spanking.
You have roughly 48 hours to decide who you want to tort.. I mean investigate. Our investigator will ensure that the investigated leader wont return until after we have either discovered who amongst you still have nukes, or we are all vaporised.
Have fun. (:_
- Rules will be roughly two days, ending sometime between 1600 and 1900 NZST.
- Ties are left as ties
- Abstaining/no votes are ignored
- Voting starts once everyone has received a PM.
- Bold your vote
- When retracting, unbold your vote and add in (retracted)
Player list:
darth_vader - Investigated by F.A.G.
EKHawkman - Killed by nuke holders
egroeg - Investigated by F.A.G.
Eugene Chin
GutlessWonder - Killed by nuke holders
Hypochondriac - Investigated by F.A.G.
JacaByte - Killed by drugged up body guards
jrsh92 - Killed by nuke holders
LNSU - Killed by nuke holders
Mackilroy - Investigated by F.A.G.
mrxak - Investigated by F.A.G.
prophile - Investigated by F.A.G.
RJC Ultra
Shlimazel - Killed by nuke holders
SoItBegins - Killed by nuke holders
Templar98921 - Investigated by F.A.G.
This post has been edited by kickme : 24 June 2008 - 02:49 AM