mrxak is a powerful player. Last game, he was nightkilled/SDI'd then nightkilled once again. The terrorists hate mrxak, and when the terrorists hate someone it's difficult to keep them alive, from what I can tell.
Some things that I think make logical sense (whether they are true or not, I don't know):
mrxak dies in the first round that it is possible to kill him in. This time, the first round of the game.
If that attempt fails or mrxak is resurrected, he dies again.
I suspect there is a necromancy role. Why else would mrxak's role not be revealed when he died? The only reason it would be kept a secret is for the necromancer to be kept in the dark until he's made his decision about whether to resurrect the dead player.
This post has been edited by jrsh92 : 07 March 2008 - 04:39 PM