Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Global Thermonuclear War

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      Round 2: Rebels Never Win, but Evil Dictators Do

      As it has been rather quiet in here recently, I thought I might try to get some action in here by playing a game. The game is basically Werewolf or Mafia, but with a change of setting. If you are interested in playing, please let me know by replying to this thread. If there is enough interest, I will start the first round on Sunday.



      All of the players shall take on the role of the leader of one of the United Nations (I will be representing The People's Republic of Xanderia). From the UN representatives, I shall select two (or more) Evil Dictators and one (or more) Intelligence Agents. The goal of the Evil Dictators is to destroy the world, while everyone else is trying to stop them.

      Each turn shall consist of several phases:

      During the Diplomacy phase, the UN representatives, (i.e. the players) will select a nation to nuke into glass. This will be done by voting in this thread. Votes should look something like this:


      I, the leader of Xanderia, have been provoked for the last time by evil minions of The People's Republic of Nfreader! I propose that the threat of nfreader is permanently dealt with.

      If you change your mind, please do so in a clear fashion, i.e.:


      The threat of nfreader (retracted) has been dealt with through diplomatic means. Instead, the Great Nation of Xanderia is threatened by the megalomaniacal ravings of mrxak , the President of Unpronouncable.

      That is, bold the person that you are voting to destroy, and make sure you put the word "retracted" into any post where you change your vote.

      During the Diplomacy phase, you can discuss all you want. You can implicate anyone you want. Your goal, however, is to destroy the Evil Dictators.

      During the Genocide phase, the Evil Dictators will select a nation to nuke, and do so. This will be done via PMs.

      During the Intelligence phase, the Intelligence Agent will pick a player, and ask me if they are an Evil Dictator. I will respond either yes or no. This will also be done via PMs.

      The Genocide and Intelligence phases will take place at the same time, more or less, and will occur after the Diplomacy phase.

      The rules are laid out in more detail on the page I linked to above. If you have any questions, let me know. If you are interested in playing, post here. If we get at least 7 players, we shall make a game of it.


    • Count me in.

    • I'm up for it.

    • Count me in.
      Ooh, this will be a great place to that one idea I had. 🙂

    • Question: Is this type of game fun?


      Posted Image

    • @hamster, on Jul 6 2007, 05:07 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

      Question: Is this type of game fun?


      Posted Image

    • I am a fan of mafia. I choose to play.

    • I'm game, count me in.

    • @hamster, on Jul 6 2007, 03:07 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

      Question: Is this type of game fun?


      Posted Image

      I love you.

    • Man, a JC topic called "Global Thermonuclear War" got my hopes up for a second.

      I'm in, though.

    • Hell, you can count me in. I bet I get long-shot odds for survival though.

    • There are currently 7 people signed up:


      Assuming no one else signs up, I will begin the first round this evening (PDT). There will be two evil dictators, and one intelligence agent. If anyone else wants to play, please sign up ASAP.


      EDIT: The first round will begin at 6:00 PM PDT 8 July 2007 (1:00 AM GMT 9 July 2007)

    • Round 1:

      Yesterday, Washington D.C., London, Moscow, Beijing, and several other important cities were attacked with nuclear weapons. A previously unknown terrorist group, calling themselves Earth First (a subsidiary of Greenpeace), is claiming responsibility. They claim that they were given the weapons by one of the major nuclear powers, and that they intend to use them to remove the blight of humanity from the globe so that the cute little bunny rabbits can live free from terror.

      The Secretary General of the UN has called a special meeting of the Security Council, and all of you have been asked to attend.

      "Ladies and Gentlemen

      "I have received word from the terrorists that they are working with two of the major nuclear powers. The only way to stop the supply of nuclear weapons to the terrorists is to eliminate those powers. However, I haven't a clue who the suppliers are. As it is unlikely that the culprits will confess at this point, I propose this solution: we shall select one of our number to utterly destroy.

      "Please inform me where you wish to target your nuclear arsenal as quickly as possible, so that the evil doers may be eliminated"

      With that, the debate begins.

      Please post your votes and any discussion below. I will tabulate votes as soon as everyone has voted. I will start harassing people to vote if they have not done so in 24 hours. The player who receives the most votes shall be "eliminated." Oh, I have also rolled some dice to determine who the evil dictators and intelligence agent are. You should receive a PM shortly.


    • I'm already seeing a few problems with other people:

      1. prophile – name looks too much like the word "pedophile".
      2. Mackilroy – name looks too much like mine.
      3. nfreader – name is too difficult to figure out how to pronounce.
      4. mrxak – name is too easy to figure out how to pronounce.
      5. rebelswin_85 – has numbers AND underscores in name

      There's obviously nothing wrong with me, and Lizard has a Hitler quote in my signature, so he's probably an okay guy. So you can nuke anyone except us. Well actually you can still nuke Lizard if you want.

    • Hmm... first one to start throwing in names is usually the one who's trying to deflect attention from themselves. If you look carefully at Mispeled's list, moderators are over-represented. I can't be entirely sure, but I think he's figuring that he can trick you all into correlating evil dictatorship on the boards to evil dictatorship in this game. Don't fall for it.

      Considering that the people who are evil dictators were PMed shortly after xander's post, and Mispeled probably recieved some sort of email notification when he checked his email and came here immediately to a forum he otherwise rarely visits, highly suspicious. If he were Mackilroy of similiar name this might be excused since Mackilroy always does his moderator rounds and would keep tabs on this topic. nfreader too. I myself have been checking my forums upon waking up and lately my sleep schedule has been so ######ed up and nocturnal, that yeah, I just woke up at 2:20am (I've been pushing it back since I've actually got a 6-10 PM class starting this week and I need to be able to be awake for it).

      Additionally, see who else Mispeled has accused: prophile. Who likes a man with a name that looks like a pedophile? Clearly a simple trick to appeal to your most basest instincts. rebelswin_85, the guy who's "different" somehow? Another simple trick.

      I might overlook Mispeled's accusations here as being simply shots in the dark by a first-time player of this game, if it weren't for the very last thing he says. He leaves Lizard out of it. Why Lizard? Why indeed. Could it be that Lizard is in fact this game's second dictator, and darwinian has informed him by PM of such, thereby causing Mispeled to leave him off of his anybody-but-me list? I think so.

      So, what'll it be. Do we kill Mispeled and his cohort Lizard first, or let him cause chaos amongst the ranks of the innocent?

    • I think I'm going to back mrxak on his analysis of Mispeled's guilt, however me might prove to be the intelligence agent, giving his initial information out of a sense of pride.

      I point the finger at mrxak, who caught on very quickly and even made up an excuse about moderator duties and sleeping patterns. He's a shifty bastard.

      And Lizard's an evil republican who loves the bomb, so it's probably him.

    • I confess! I do, in fact, have numbers in my name. I hope the delegates to this convention may ignore this slight evidence of my folly so that we may focus upon the business at hand. Namely, killing the evil dictators, or everyone else--whichever happens first. The gross intolerance shown by Mispeled towards the people of my country of Underscoria, where our culture highly values and reveres the value of the underscore, does not speak well of his qualities, but I will forgive him this slight for the present. Being as the matter of my name can have no bearing on my being an evil dictator, I see no cause for me rising to my defense, however I will point out that I almost forgot about this after signing up, and therefor could not possibly be an evil dictator. Also, dinosaurs.

      I am not so hasty as my other fine colleagues in denouncing Mispeled. His actions, while somewhat suspect, almost appear too suspect. If, in fact, he is a n00b in the theatre of Global Thermonuclear War, then surely his statements could be interpreted either that he is an evil dictator and therefor has been too obvious in his accusations with others or that he is not and did not fully consider how suspicious his actions would be.

      Also, I would remind Representative prophile that the intelligence agents have not yet had time to act, and therefor have no more knowledge than we do at this point with regards to who may be an evil dictator.

      For the present, I withhold my vote, till we have heard from all of the voting members of this body. Furthermore, should any member not participate, I vote that they be nuked forthwith, as the terrible and undeserving cowards that they are.

      Representative of Underscoria

      <edit> Changing history </edit>

      This post has been edited by rebelswin_85 : 09 July 2007 - 11:06 AM

    • I may hate your countries, but I hate cute little bunny rabbits more.

    • @prophile, on Jul 9 2007, 11:11 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

      I point the finger at mrxak, who caught on very quickly and even made up an excuse about moderator duties and sleeping patterns. He's a shifty bastard.

      Shifty bastard and quick I may be, that's hardly enough reason to point the finger. Yes, I will always be a threat in this game as I've played many variations at it and usually do quite well. But this time around, I'm a threat only to the evil dictators. And, well, perhaps a few unlucky innocents... but by the end we'll all be guilty of that, that's simply the nature of the game. But with luck it will be we that still stand in the end, having only made a few mistaken sacrifices.

      @rebelswin_85, on Jul 9 2007, 12:05 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:

      Also, I would remind Representative prophile that the intelligence agents have not yet had time to act, and therefor have no more knowledge than we do at this point with regards to who may be an evil dictator.

      Indeed! So my initial conclusion is still likely.

      Anyway, we still have a while to vote but I've got a night class so I'll be gone for the final hours. I'll take the risk and cast my vote now for Mispeled. I urge my fellow players to follow suit, not out of a witch-hunt by following an early voter, but through careful study of the arguments I've made that clearly indicate that Mispeled is likely an evil dictator and must be stopped!

    • I'm going to have to go with mrxak on this one, his analysis of mispeled seems to be spot on.