Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Screenshots

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      Where are they stored?

      I searched for this and I know that P is the screenshot key... where are screenshots stored? I checked the clipboard right after I took the shot and it said there was nothing there (i.e. that preview could not ge t a new picture from clipboard) so where are they stored?

      just wondering...

    • Looks like they're saved in your Pictures directory as .bmps.

      To be more specific, it's in /Users/YourNameHere/Pictures. If I took one today, it would be called screenshot 2007-4-22 , and if I took more than one, then 01 and 02 would be added to the end, and so on and so forth.

    • Is there anyway to change the location, say, to a folder in that directory?

    • @lt-_anonymous, on Apr 22 2007, 03:41 PM, said in Screenshots:

      Is there anyway to change the location, say, to a folder in that directory?

      No, it is hard-coded.


    • Though you could use folder actions or some form of Automator Script to move them to wherever. Would be complicated, but it can be done.

    • @pisketch, on Apr 22 2007, 10:22 PM, said in Screenshots:

      Though you could use folder actions or some form of Automator Script to move them to wherever. Would be complicated, but it can be done.

      Hardly complicated!

      Posted Image

    • Ooh, custom folder icons... Yeah, that would work great, but you'd have to run it manually. That would be the only problem. Folder actions i'm pretty sure would do it automatically. Then, i've never done anything with them, so i could be entirely wrong.