@edwards, on Sep 2 2007, 09:33 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:
()Set the A7 non-functional Extra2s to be 1111-1116.
()Set the Extra2 of the holder for the A7 Caldera switch to match the switch itself.
(*)Fixed up the pickup's surroundings in A7 to something a bit closer to the original (although I seem to have lost the original level file, so it isn't perfect).
Bugs: The Skull Turret in the A7 Garbage Room miniboss is blocked from hitting the player by the boss's Solid hull.
When you talked about A7 I wanted to replay it again and, well, even restarted editing, resulting in a hopefully now entirely fixed PMS Part IV (containing Pi's map, too). So if somebody wants to play the seperate parts, it should be possible now.
Attached File(s)
__Project_Multi_Sketch_Part_4.zip (121.58K)
Number of downloads: 3