Yes, it works, at least in local multiplayer. So far, I only have the standard Pellets working as Player-vs-Player weapons, and in doing so have had to replace one sprite and one AI beyond just those associated with the Pellets, but I hope to be able to improve that in a future version. Anyway, this Custom Asset Enabler-based mod pack replaces the Pellet gun with a version that does damage to players, rather than enemies, and removes all the enemies from the Factory map in order to give you a good place to test it out.
To try it, simply download and unzip the attached file, double-click on the PvP Beta 1 icon, click the "Play" button in the window that comes up, and start a multiplayer game with another person who is using the mod.
Both players MUST be using this mod pack in order for PvP to work properly. If you do not, I don't think that the game will crash outright, but gameplay will be very badly screwed up. I suggest only using this mod pack after you have arranged with another player to have a PvP game- at that point, quit the game, and re-launch it by running the mod pack. You may also want to append "(PvP)" to your name, so people will know that there is something odd about your game.
The Pellet gun is replaced across the entire game, so don't even bother trying to play most single-player levels- your shots will pass straight through enemies.
Only the Pellets can hit other players, so switching to any other weapon will put you at a severe disadvantage in PvP play. I have removed all weapon pickups from the Factory level to avoid this problem.
Disclaimer: This is a beta version, use at your own risk. I suggest backing up your SketchFighter application before running this mod pack.
Attached File(s) (76.73K)
Number of downloads: 10
This post has been edited by Edwards : 19 August 2007 - 01:58 AM