Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Freezes Up in Menu

      Hi everybody. I'm really excited to see that Multiwinia is now out for the Mac. I use both PCs and Macs, and really like software from both Ambrosia and Introversion, so I was looking forward to playing this game. I prefer playing games on my Mac, so I figured I'd wait until the eventual release of Multiwinia on the Mac before getting the game.

      However, I'm currently experiencing a pretty bad crash bug, and I definitely want to wait until it gets ironed out before purchasing the game.

      My problem is as follows: Multiwinia hangs very often in the menu. And it's a hard lock. I can't access Force Quit from it -- I can't even get the caps lock key to respond. My only option is to turn the computer off to get out of the freeze.

      I just downloaded and immediately installed the demo about three hours ago, and the first time it hanged was when I was looking through the Options part of the menu. I clicked through the first three options, and when I attempted to choose Sound, it froze on me with a repeated clicking noise (about once a half second) in the audio and frozen video.

      After rebooting, I opened Multwinia again, and went to Options again to see if the same bug would happen. I clicked on Sound, but this time it worked without issue. I backed up to the top menu level again, chose tutorial, played the first tutorial without issue, and then went to the after-game menu. This time, I clicked the Help and Options menu choice, and the game immediately froze in the same fashion.

      I rebooted once more, and opened Multiwinia again. This time, I played the second tutorial, then made sure not to hit the Help and Options menu choice, and exited the game, returning to the main menu. I chose Single Player, played a round of Domination on the first map, and once I finished, I clicked on Help and Options. Same freeze as before.

      In general, it seems that the menu sections are a bit choppy, and really laggy (esp. the first menu choice I click on, whatever it happens to be). The game itself appears to have no problems: runs really smoothly, no choppiness or lag, seems perfectly safe. The only problem is the menu. However, it's kind of worrisome to know that I have a 20% chance of a hard lock every time I click a menu choice.

      I hope you guys can suggest something. I really want to play Multiwinia, and I'd like to play it on the Mac, but these hard locks are just too much for me to stand. If I wanted my games to crash on me, I'd just play them on Windows.

      I'm using a year-and-a-half old MacBook Pro running OSX 10.4.11. - 2.4 GHz, 2Gb RAM, GeForce8600M GT. If you need more data, let me know and I'll try to get it to you.

      Thanks for the help,

    • Vincent,
      We'll continue working with you via e-mail to avoid redundancy.

      If anybody else is experiencing this problem, please contact us via our support form with the following:

      1. Open Console in your Utilities folder. Send us any related messages written there

      2. Related crash or hang log(s) found in your Home/Library/Logs/ folder

      3. Your system profile:
      - Select "About this Mac" from the Apple menu and click on "More Info...". This will launch the System Profiler.
      - Once open, select "Save" from the file menu. Save the file to someplace like your desktop using the default XML format.
      - Attach that file in an e-mail to us.

    • I'm having the same issue, followed the instructions in the above post.
      My specs: Late 2006 iMac 24", 2.16 GHz, 10.5.6, 4GB of RAM, 7300 GT.