Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Darwinians won't take stations

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      I am having this problem where Darwinians won't take some of the stations in Mine. They just run around trying to find the spot but will never occupy it and the light remains red for that station. There can be one Darwinian or many - doesn't seem to matter. And it seems to always be the same few stations. I have tried restarting the level, making officers to terminate all of them and reroute Darwinians to the station area, neither of which worked. While there, officers' orders have no effect. They seem to be stuck in a loop where they know there is a station there but they can't man it. They all scramble around the spot unable to find it.

      any solutions to this? It's really frustrating. I am using the Mac version. 1.4.2.

      I just started playing Darwinia again after a hiatus of about 18 months. I don't recall this ever happening before, on Mine or any other level.


      This post has been edited by mrxak : 03 July 2008 - 04:53 AM

    • I don't think that I have ever heard of this happening, either. A few screenshots might help, however. While looking at the problem areas, hit 'P' to take a screenshot.

      That being said, you might try changing the landscape and building detail levels, and see if that helps (I don't think it will, but that is the only thing that comes to mind).


    • @darwinian, on May 18 2008, 10:23 AM, said in Darwinians won't take stations:

      ... you might try changing the landscape and building detail levels, and see if that helps (I don't think it will, but that is the only thing that comes to mind).


      Yes, this did the trick. I put the terrain detail back to high and everything worked again. Good thinking!