Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Multiwinia Beta Application

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      If you have a Windows machine running around, and are interested, IV have opened up their beta for Multiwinia.


    • Does it matter if we're running Windows on a Macintosh?

    • @mackilroy, on Mar 6 2008, 04:50 AM, said in Multiwinia Beta Application:

      Does it matter if we're running Windows on a Macintosh?

      I applied, and all I have is a MacBook Air. 😉


    • I applied with nothing but a MacBook. 😄

    • I might as well try for fun.

    • The original windows Darwinia Alpha/Beta was an awesome experience. I highly recommend applying if you're at all interested in being able to help shape some ideas of a game, and just to witness how the development cycle works. Introversion are very committed to listening to their testers and provide a great experience.

      With that in mind, I have applied.

    • Wow. I'd love to do this, but I have to finish out the school year. I'm afraid I won't have the time. 😞

    • And I don't (and wont get) windoze. I'll just have to wait for the Mac beta.

    • The beta testing has begun. Without breaking the NDA, all I can tell you is that Multiwinia is pretty f*ckin' sweet. Y'all are going to enjoy it. 😉


    • @darwinian, on Mar 14 2008, 09:14 PM, said in Multiwinia Beta Application:

      The beta testing has begun. Without breaking the NDA, all I can tell you is that Multiwinia is pretty f*ckin' sweet. Y'all are going to enjoy it. 😉


      I echo this sentiment.

    • Aw darn! I wasn't really expecting to get in. Couldn't hurt to try.

    • Is it too late for me to sign up?

    • @g-spark, on Mar 21 2008, 06:01 AM, said in Multiwinia Beta Application:

      Is it too late for me to sign up?

      Right now, Introversion are conducting phase 1. They have stated that they will probably be bringing in some more people later, when the next phases get going. So, it doesn't hurt to sign up. Additionally, if history is to be a guide, the Mac beta will probably be managed by Ambrosia Software, which means that you should probably keep checking Ambrosia Banter for an announcement. That announcement could come any time between tomorrow, and the end of the world in 2012.


    • Well it's worth a shot. The problem is that it's hard for me to read the confirmation code. I've excedded the number of tries twice now.

      This post has been edited by G-Spark : 21 March 2008 - 09:09 PM

    • @g-spark, on Mar 22 2008, 02:08 AM, said in Multiwinia Beta Application:

      Well it's worth a shot. The problem is that it's hard for me to read the confirmation code. I've excedded the number of tries twice now.

      Try contacting John or NeoThermic. They are the forum admins over there, and may be able to help you out. You should be able to get one or the other of their emails off of the registration page. If I recall correctly, there is a "contact" or "support" link for if you are having trouble with the CAPTCHA.
