Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Jumping for joy?

      7 13 4251

      Unusual Darwinian behavior observed

      Here's a strange thing I noticed:

      I'm playing the Mine level, and I successfully finished all the objectives and cleared out the virus. Now, I notice the Darwinians who are unemployed jumping high in the air, and floating down again (it looks kind of like when, at a sports game, a group of cheerleaders toss one of the group up in the air). I'd swear they're jumping for joy.

      Has anyone seen this before? Anyone know what it's in response to?

      Or is it just another ghost in the machine?

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    • It happens whenever you complete a level 🙂

    • They're happy! You might hear some cheering too.

    • And on very rare occasions, they form a conga line.

    • Won't they kill themselves?

    • How would they kill themselves? They're just jumping around. I don't believe they jump into the water or anything deadly like that.

    • Yeah. I've noticed that having multiply officers at a time, with both giving orders in close proximity to each other also affects the officers. I was really ticked as I watched hundreds of my Darwinians drown themselves or something.

    • Ah lemmings.

    • Do officers affect other officers?

    • @g-spark, on Feb 15 2008, 10:29 PM, said in Jumping for joy?:

      Do officers affect other officers?



    • I wonder what happened then. My officers kinda just wandered off. It seemed like they were following another, then they caused a bunch of Darwinians to drown.

    • @g-spark, on Feb 16 2008, 02:13 PM, said in Jumping for joy?:

      I wonder what happened then. My officers kinda just wandered off. It seemed like they were following another, then they caused a bunch of Darwinians to drown.

      You probably accidentally ordered the officer to wander off. Officers will do absolutely nothing if not directed to do so by the player.


    • Perhaps I did. I'm not really sure. What I think happened is that I told the officer to go somewhere and then canceled it's order. Unfortunately it was about three feet from another officer on the launch pad. The Darwinians then wandered onto this little peninsula trying to reach the other officer where I was gathering my previous wave of Darwinians that were defending a spawn point. A few hundred at the launch pad, a few thousand at the closest incubator and about another few hundred drowned.

      The casualties are as followed during my history of the game.

      Darwinians created: Roughly about 4234
      Darwinians killed by Virii: About 43
      Darwinians killed by friendly fire: Somewhere around 372 (Squadie grenades) and around 54 (I don't know what)
      Darwinians killed by red Darwinians: About 143
      Darwinians drowned: 543

      Not looking too good on my part.