Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Generator not generating

      4 24 6605

      I'm playing through Darwinia again (this time on a Mac), and have come across a problem that didn't happen when I played it before. In the Generator level I've completed everything as necessary to get the generator running--DGs at all the solar panels, all the control towers captured--but nothing happens after that.

      I've tried some searches elsewhere, and all I've found is "make sure that the control tower next to the generator is completely captured". Well, it is. My engineers just sit next to it idly. While I could make jokes about engineers I've known, I assume this to mean that the work at that spot is done.

      Anyone have any help on this matter?

    • @unmighty, on May 14 2007, 06:14 AM, said in Generator not generating:

      I'm playing through Darwinia again (this time on a Mac), and have come across a problem that didn't happen when I played it before. In the Generator level I've completed everything as necessary to get the generator running--DGs at all the solar panels, all the control towers captured--but nothing happens after that.

      I've tried some searches elsewhere, and all I've found is "make sure that the control tower next to the generator is completely captured". Well, it is. My engineers just sit next to it idly. While I could make jokes about engineers I've known, I assume this to mean that the work at that spot is done.

      Anyone have any help on this matter?

      This problem has been reported by several people on the IV forums. Perhaps you are one of them? So far, we are all stumped. Have you tried deleting and reinstalling Darwinia? What version of the game are you using? When did you download it?


    • I looked through the IV fora, which is where I found the tip I mentioned earlier. I didn't see any successful solutions there, so I was hoping someone here had an idea.
      I downloaded the latest version of Darwinia (1.4.2) just a couple of weeks ago.
      I haven't tried deleting and reinstalling the game. Would that reset my progress? I know that the savegame info is stored elsewhere (~/Library/Application Support/). Would I have to delete that as well?
      More importantly, has this been confirmed to correct the problem?
      Also, I didn't look closely, but is this problem confined to the latest version, or was it reported in earlier builds as well? In my searching, I found mention of an earlier version, 1.2.2 or something, fixing some other problem with the Generator level (a radar dish issue, I believe). If the generator problem started popping up after that, it might be worth looking into any level changes made then.

      I hate to ask this, based on purely non-cheating grounds, but is there a way to modify the level info file to tell the game I've completed the objective?

      Thanks for your help.

    • @unmighty, on May 14 2007, 05:01 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      I haven't tried deleting and reinstalling the game. Would that reset my progress?

      No. Your save files are stored elsewhere. As long as you don't delete those, you are fine.

      @unmighty, on May 14 2007, 05:01 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      I know that the savegame info is stored elsewhere (~/Library/Application Support/). Would I have to delete that as well?

      I don't think you should have to delete them, no. The save files are probably not the problem. However, it doesn't hurt to try. Make a backup, first, though.

      @unmighty, on May 14 2007, 05:01 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      More importantly, has this been confirmed to correct the problem?

      No. We don't even know what the problem is. We are still trying to sort that out.

      @unmighty, on May 14 2007, 05:01 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      Also, I didn't look closely, but is this problem confined to the latest version, or was it reported in earlier builds as well?

      The problem seems to be only effect a few people using the latest version. I, for instance, don't have this problem, even though I am using the latest version of Darwinia.

      @unmighty, on May 14 2007, 05:01 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      In my searching, I found mention of an earlier version, 1.2.2 or something, fixing some other problem with the Generator level (a radar dish issue, I believe). If the generator problem started popping up after that, it might be worth looking into any level changes made then.

      1.4.2 has been out for over a year, and the first that anyone has heard of this problem was two weeks ago. I doubt that it is related to the version of Darwinia being used.

      @unmighty, on May 14 2007, 05:01 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      I hate to ask this, based on purely non-cheating grounds, but is there a way to modify the level info file to tell the game I've completed the objective?

      Yes. Search the IV forums for "redshirt2." All of the saved files are encrypted using an algorithm called redshirt2. You can find a few decrypters on the IV forums. Download one of them, or use one of the webbased ones, and decrypt your game.txt file. In the first section, make the level "Yard" available, and changed the mission from "null" to "mission_yard_enable.txt". Replace the encrypted game.txt file with the modified version. Don't worry about reencrypting it, Darwinia doesn't care.


    • Here's my follow-up:

      -I tried re-downloading Darwinia from each of the download locations linked from the ASW site. All gave me the same problem.

      -I didn't try getting rid of my prefs/restarting level...that would take a while to complete again.

      -I modified the game.txt file as per your instructions, and am now able to continue.

      So, overall, I still can't offer much in the way of explaining the error. In an effort to help, though, some possibly pertinent information is below. If you ever do figure out what is causing this problem, I'd like to know. For the level txt, I'm wondering about this line (the whole file is below):

      BuildingOnline :generator,0 generator_objective1 generator_primary1.txt

      Would changing "generator,0" to "generator,1" bring it online? I suppose I could try it and see what happens...but that would have to wait until later in the day.

      System specs:
      Machine Model: MacBookPro2,2
      Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed: 2.33 GHz
      Number Of Processors: 1
      Total Number Of Cores: 2
      L2 Cache (per processor): 4 MB
      Memory: 2 GB
      Bus Speed: 667 MHz
      Boot ROM Version: MBP22.00A5.B01
      SMC Version: 1.12f5
      Runnning 10.4.9

      Decrypted generator level file:

      CreatedAsDifficulty 1


      Name Pos Front Up


      start 1090.68 220.21 146.22 0.64 -0.22 0.74 0.15 0.97 0.17
      intro1 2902.53 595.88 -166.29 0.21 -0.38 0.90 0.09 0.93 0.37
      intro2 2350.88 497.95 2420.79 -0.49 -0.20 0.85 -0.10 0.98 0.18



      Type id x z tm rx rz isGlobal


      Incubator 50 1139.57 1278.63 1 -0.61 -0.79 1 0
      Incubator 53 3114.28 473.76 1 0.02 1.00 1 0


      Type team x z count inUnit state spread waypointX waypointZ


      Darwinian 0 904.5 492.7 1 0 -1 0.0 904.5 492.7
      Darwinian 0 671.2 1263.3 1 0 -1 0.0 667.4 1245.9
      Darwinian 0 960.9 433.9 1 0 -1 0.0 962.9 423.4
      Darwinian 0 914.1 550.6 1 0 -1 0.0 908.0 534.2
      Darwinian 0 936.9 538.1 1 0 -1 0.0 955.3 540.3
      Darwinian 0 384.6 1138.3 1 0 -1 0.0 376.4 1152.5
      Darwinian 0 687.9 1019.4 1 0 -1 0.0 683.9 1035.3
      Darwinian 0 806.3 691.2 1 0 -1 0.0 812.9 687.5
      Darwinian 0 1366.8 1174.8 1 0 -1 0.0 1381.6 1177.3
      Darwinian 0 886.7 448.4 1 0 -1 0.0 889.5 434.7
      Darwinian 0 850.9 470.9 1 0 -1 0.0 861.4 462.3
      Darwinian 0 1387.2 1174.7 1 0 -1 0.0 1397.9 1180.6
      Darwinian 0 919.1 444.7 1 0 -1 0.0 904.0 448.8
      Darwinian 0 893.9 998.6 1 0 -1 0.0 893.1 988.0
      Darwinian 0 978.4 459.4 1 0 -1 0.0 994.0 460.6
      Darwinian 0 858.9 603.2 1 0 -1 0.0 875.4 613.6
      Darwinian 0 986.3 354.0 1 0 -1 0.0 999.6 341.4
      Darwinian 0 937.2 454.1 1 0 -1 0.0 949.2 444.4
      Darwinian 0 424.2 1375.7 1 0 -1 0.0 424.2 1375.7
      Darwinian 0 958.7 452.1 1 0 -1 0.0 971.4 464.7
      Darwinian 0 435.8 1149.2 1 0 -1 0.0 435.8 1149.2
      Darwinian 0 1313.5 453.8 1 0 -1 0.0 1327.0 468.2
      Darwinian 0 878.4 461.0 1 0 -1 0.0 864.0 455.4
      Darwinian 0 431.6 1151.2 1 0 -1 0.0 441.4 1161.5
      Darwinian 0 1120.4 1020.7 1 0 -1 0.0 1115.7 1017.8
      Darwinian 0 1075.8 340.3 1 0 -1 0.0 1072.5 331.2
      Darwinian 0 668.2 1029.3 1 0 -1 0.0 668.2 1029.3
      Darwinian 0 392.1 1185.8 1 0 -1 0.0 392.1 1185.8
      Darwinian 0 952.0 482.1 1 0 -1 0.0 952.0 482.1
      Darwinian 0 1032.4 385.1 1 0 -1 0.0 1017.0 391.4
      Darwinian 0 1318.6 1218.0 1 0 -1 0.0 1313.4 1200.4
      Darwinian 0 401.8 1153.1 1 0 -1 0.0 401.8 1153.1
      Darwinian 0 907.3 514.4 1 0 -1 0.0 908.2 528.6
      Darwinian 0 656.0 1040.5 1 0 -1 0.0 642.6 1037.1
      Darwinian 0 399.9 1349.2 1 0 -1 0.0 399.9 1349.2
      Darwinian 0 767.4 628.6 1 0 -1 0.0 783.8 638.9
      Darwinian 0 645.7 1004.5 1 0 -1 0.0 645.7 1004.5
      Darwinian 0 1000.8 451.2 1 0 -1 0.0 994.6 450.7
      Darwinian 0 1245.7 205.1 1 0 -1 0.0 1256.9 199.6
      Darwinian 0 652.5 974.4 1 0 -1 0.0 652.5 974.4
      Darwinian 0 907.4 487.7 1 0 -1 0.0 906.1 469.7
      Darwinian 0 870.6 492.1 1 0 -1 0.0 855.9 479.3
      Darwinian 0 812.0 667.9 1 0 -1 0.0 829.5 664.1
      Darwinian 0 1476.2 1130.0 1 0 -1 0.0 1488.5 1143.2
      Darwinian 0 1179.6 1323.1 1 0 -1 0.0 1167.3 1314.7
      Darwinian 0 1118.6 380.6 1 0 -1 0.0 1103.4 392.1
      Darwinian 0 1202.7 1044.9 1 0 -1 0.0 1197.2 1046.8
      Darwinian 0 820.0 1164.3 1 0 -1 0.0 816.6 1175.2
      Darwinian 0 909.5 435.8 1 0 -1 0.0 898.4 446.9
      Darwinian 0 876.5 487.3 1 0 -1 0.0 879.2 478.6
      Darwinian 0 925.6 440.5 1 0 -1 0.0 931.2 454.3
      Darwinian 0 918.9 458.2 1 0 -1 0.0 930.9 449.8
      Darwinian 0 928.1 509.8 1 0 -1 0.0 928.1 509.8
      Darwinian 0 1012.7 400.8 1 0 -1 0.0 1016.0 390.1
      Darwinian 0 1329.8 1020.1 1 0 -1 0.0 1310.5 1025.3
      Darwinian 0 903.5 436.0 1 0 -1 0.0 911.3 441.8
      Darwinian 0 445.9 1179.3 1 0 -1 0.0 445.9 1179.3
      Darwinian 0 4475.6 1321.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4467.0 1339.0
      Darwinian 0 901.5 492.7 1 0 -1 0.0 913.4 479.3
      Darwinian 0 888.7 511.3 1 0 -1 0.0 876.9 527.5
      Darwinian 0 855.6 437.8 1 0 -1 0.0 872.2 439.6
      Darwinian 0 930.4 546.8 1 0 -1 0.0 937.7 564.0
      Darwinian 0 1070.5 1049.0 1 0 -1 0.0 1083.3 1043.3
      Darwinian 0 449.3 1355.5 1 0 -1 0.0 449.3 1355.5
      Darwinian 0 1061.8 1181.1 1 0 -1 0.0 1071.5 1196.0
      Darwinian 0 952.5 447.0 1 0 -1 0.0 938.1 438.8
      Darwinian 0 419.1 1204.2 1 0 -1 0.0 419.1 1204.2
      Darwinian 0 944.1 455.1 1 0 -1 0.0 944.1 455.1
      Darwinian 0 912.8 461.7 1 0 -1 0.0 912.8 461.7
      Darwinian 0 884.8 329.3 1 0 -1 0.0 903.4 331.9
      Darwinian 0 949.0 501.1 1 0 -1 0.0 941.3 516.3
      Darwinian 0 862.4 418.0 1 0 -1 0.0 854.7 403.8
      Darwinian 0 757.2 690.4 1 0 -1 0.0 763.0 673.7
      Darwinian 0 1059.9 1041.6 1 0 -1 0.0 1056.9 1032.0
      Darwinian 0 1327.2 1102.4 1 0 -1 0.0 1324.5 1088.6
      Darwinian 0 1108.4 1199.2 1 0 -1 0.0 1100.3 1188.8
      Darwinian 0 905.1 504.3 1 0 -1 0.0 906.3 522.6
      Darwinian 0 908.5 411.8 1 0 -1 0.0 909.0 429.9
      Darwinian 0 1018.6 381.5 1 0 -1 0.0 1021.0 375.3
      Darwinian 0 1420.1 721.1 1 0 -1 0.0 1400.0 722.7
      Darwinian 0 849.1 511.5 1 0 -1 0.0 840.5 498.9
      Darwinian 0 440.8 1323.7 1 0 -1 0.0 440.8 1323.7
      Darwinian 0 1070.5 1144.3 1 0 -1 0.0 1075.9 1128.2
      Darwinian 0 684.4 974.9 1 0 -1 0.0 684.4 974.9
      Darwinian 0 407.4 1319.2 1 0 -1 0.0 407.4 1319.2
      Darwinian 0 999.1 1070.4 1 0 -1 0.0 991.7 1058.6
      Darwinian 0 692.4 1004.9 1 0 -1 0.0 692.4 1004.9
      Darwinian 0 1104.8 332.8 1 0 -1 0.0 1100.2 348.6
      Darwinian 0 3328.3 646.5 1 0 -1 0.0 3328.3 646.5
      Darwinian 0 3331.5 487.7 1 0 -1 0.0 3331.5 487.7
      Darwinian 0 4533.0 1607.4 1 0 -1 0.0 4533.0 1607.4
      Darwinian 0 4263.0 1462.7 1 0 -1 0.0 4255.8 1473.3
      Darwinian 0 3337.6 614.5 1 0 -1 0.0 3337.6 614.5
      Darwinian 0 4251.1 1458.3 1 0 -1 0.0 4270.6 1460.6
      Darwinian 0 4214.8 1438.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4222.9 1420.6
      Darwinian 0 4543.2 1574.4 1 0 -1 0.0 4543.2 1574.4
      Darwinian 0 4870.4 1694.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4875.3 1691.7
      Darwinian 0 4799.9 1515.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4804.4 1518.7
      Darwinian 0 4202.5 1457.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4200.9 1458.7
      Darwinian 0 2383.5 2146.3 1 0 -1 0.0 2365.9 2136.0
      Darwinian 0 2485.6 2390.0 1 0 -1 0.0 2477.3 2406.9
      Darwinian 0 3321.2 454.6 1 0 -1 0.0 3321.2 454.6
      Darwinian 0 3286.8 454.6 1 0 -1 0.0 3286.8 454.6
      Darwinian 0 3370.3 611.7 1 0 -1 0.0 3370.3 611.7
      Darwinian 0 2566.6 2292.9 1 0 -1 0.0 2579.0 2304.1
      Darwinian 0 4285.4 1503.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4283.7 1521.5
      Darwinian 0 3422.7 367.2 1 0 -1 0.0 3422.7 367.2
      Darwinian 0 3304.3 511.3 1 0 -1 0.0 3304.3 511.3
      Darwinian 0 3379.9 641.6 1 0 -1 0.0 3379.9 641.6
      Darwinian 0 3342.2 621.6 1 0 -1 0.0 3328.5 616.1
      Darwinian 0 2459.3 2308.5 1 0 -1 0.0 2455.9 2298.1
      Darwinian 0 4265.2 1463.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4249.6 1467.3
      Darwinian 0 4795.4 1417.8 1 0 -1 0.0 4777.9 1449.8
      Darwinian 0 3276.9 488.2 1 0 -1 0.0 3276.9 488.2
      Darwinian 0 4795.1 1579.7 1 0 -1 0.0 4801.2 1592.6
      Darwinian 0 4756.8 1511.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4741.7 1502.5
      Darwinian 0 2433.8 2176.9 1 0 -1 0.0 2453.1 2180.7
      Darwinian 0 2466.3 2344.2 1 0 -1 0.0 2451.2 2335.7
      Darwinian 0 4757.6 1453.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4757.6 1453.0
      Darwinian 0 4276.7 1472.6 1 0 -1 0.0 4261.2 1476.8
      Darwinian 0 4747.5 1486.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4747.5 1486.2
      Darwinian 0 4415.2 1359.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4404.7 1343.9
      Darwinian 0 4268.5 1537.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4255.7 1535.7
      Darwinian 0 4211.2 1622.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4203.8 1624.3
      Darwinian 0 2352.0 2289.6 1 0 -1 0.0 2363.2 2276.9
      Darwinian 0 4807.4 1474.3 1 0 -1 0.0 4823.3 1479.1
      Darwinian 0 3353.9 667.5 1 0 -1 0.0 3353.9 667.5
      Darwinian 0 3713.3 383.4 1 0 -1 0.0 3694.2 383.9
      Darwinian 0 4754.4 1443.7 1 0 -1 0.0 4760.9 1424.0
      Darwinian 0 3433.0 394.8 1 0 -1 0.0 3433.0 394.8
      Darwinian 0 3378.1 403.3 1 0 -1 0.0 3378.1 403.3
      Darwinian 0 2355.3 2314.2 1 0 -1 0.0 2361.7 2331.9
      Darwinian 0 2610.4 2373.0 1 0 -1 0.0 2621.6 2366.7
      Darwinian 0 4287.1 1473.3 1 0 -1 0.0 4287.1 1473.3
      Darwinian 0 2289.8 2233.9 1 0 -1 0.0 2306.1 2243.8
      Darwinian 0 4802.6 1487.8 1 0 -1 0.0 4802.6 1487.8
      Darwinian 0 4756.1 1625.4 1 0 -1 0.0 4766.3 1636.8
      Darwinian 0 3115.7 854.5 1 0 -1 0.0 3115.7 854.5
      Darwinian 0 4520.6 1605.7 1 0 -1 0.0 4539.0 1602.4
      Darwinian 0 3123.0 822.9 1 0 -1 0.0 3123.0 822.9
      Darwinian 0 4735.5 1448.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4695.4 1466.4
      Darwinian 0 4792.4 1454.3 1 0 -1 0.0 4792.4 1454.3
      Darwinian 0 4775.3 1510.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4775.3 1510.5
      Darwinian 0 4690.0 1506.7 1 0 -1 0.0 4703.2 1520.8
      Darwinian 0 4259.0 1407.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4244.4 1402.9
      Darwinian 0 2395.0 2303.1 1 0 -1 0.0 2398.2 2321.9
      Darwinian 0 4421.8 1308.6 1 0 -1 0.0 4421.8 1308.6
      Darwinian 0 3405.7 419.0 1 0 -1 0.0 3405.7 419.0
      Darwinian 0 3183.7 844.7 1 0 -1 0.0 3197.7 852.6
      Darwinian 0 4304.0 1418.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4304.0 1418.2
      Darwinian 0 3164.4 849.6 1 0 -1 0.0 3164.4 849.6
      Darwinian 0 4269.8 1421.3 1 0 -1 0.0 4269.8 1421.3
      Darwinian 0 4794.7 1439.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4798.0 1439.2
      Darwinian 0 3156.1 819.7 1 0 -1 0.0 3156.1 819.7
      Darwinian 0 2446.6 2276.8 1 0 -1 0.0 2441.2 2262.6
      Darwinian 0 4231.8 1954.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4217.9 1942.4
      Darwinian 0 4259.9 1454.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4259.9 1454.0
      Darwinian 0 4687.5 1542.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4698.6 1556.8
      Darwinian 0 4561.0 1631.8 1 0 -1 0.0 4561.0 1631.8
      Darwinian 0 4335.3 1387.7 1 0 -1 0.0 4342.1 1404.7
      Darwinian 0 4605.5 1541.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4587.9 1538.7
      Darwinian 0 4280.1 1480.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4268.6 1487.2
      Darwinian 0 4799.4 1531.6 1 0 -1 0.0 4793.1 1534.6
      Darwinian 0 4834.5 1418.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4832.3 1407.2
      Darwinian 0 2493.3 2176.4 1 0 7 0.0 2493.3 2176.4
      Darwinian 0 4252.8 1438.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4267.8 1438.4
      Darwinian 0 4728.8 1482.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4749.2 1481.0
      Darwinian 0 4588.6 1609.3 1 0 -1 0.0 4588.6 1609.3
      Darwinian 0 4760.5 1459.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4752.5 1472.1
      Darwinian 0 4794.6 1522.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4803.6 1533.8
      Darwinian 0 4970.5 1741.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4967.0 1736.3
      Darwinian 0 4314.1 1448.8 1 0 -1 0.0 4314.1 1448.8
      Darwinian 0 4736.6 1456.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4730.6 1461.3
      Darwinian 0 4811.7 1448.4 1 0 -1 0.0 4818.0 1447.1
      Darwinian 0 4468.4 1357.6 1 0 -1 0.0 4482.3 1346.3
      Darwinian 0 4451.1 1605.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4463.5 1602.6
      Darwinian 0 4291.8 1480.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4298.8 1467.1
      Darwinian 0 2368.1 2218.2 1 0 -1 0.0 2373.2 2217.1
      Darwinian 0 4748.7 1479.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4757.1 1494.3
      Darwinian 0 4179.2 1479.6 1 0 -1 0.0 4179.2 1461.7
      Darwinian 0 3139.6 874.7 1 0 -1 0.0 3139.6 874.7
      Darwinian 0 4763.5 1503.2 1 0 7 0.0 4763.8 1500.2
      Darwinian 0 4812.0 1538.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4814.3 1546.4
      Darwinian 0 4849.1 1513.7 1 0 -1 0.0 4824.7 1515.8
      Darwinian 0 4786.2 1441.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4778.8 1454.5
      Darwinian 0 4769.3 1449.4 1 0 -1 0.0 4781.1 1453.2
      Darwinian 0 4746.9 1529.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4763.2 1521.8
      Darwinian 0 4541.5 1643.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4551.0 1648.9
      Darwinian 0 4730.5 1473.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4726.2 1491.9
      Darwinian 0 4827.2 1518.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4834.2 1531.8
      Darwinian 0 4439.2 1362.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4439.2 1362.5
      Darwinian 0 4527.0 1466.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4523.1 1463.2
      Darwinian 0 2474.5 2341.0 1 0 -1 0.0 2472.1 2353.4
      Darwinian 0 4804.9 1469.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4815.9 1480.8
      Darwinian 0 4704.5 1503.8 1 0 -1 0.0 4701.8 1488.3
      Darwinian 0 4578.2 1575.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4578.2 1575.9
      Darwinian 0 4410.0 1341.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4410.0 1341.1
      Darwinian 0 4248.3 1429.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4254.2 1440.4
      Darwinian 0 4689.1 1486.0 1 0 7 0.0 4792.7 1507.3
      Darwinian 0 4584.1 1624.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4570.7 1621.5
      Darwinian 0 4467.5 1340.8 1 0 -1 0.0 4467.5 1340.8
      Darwinian 0 4242.0 1486.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4242.9 1469.7
      Darwinian 0 4410.7 1319.6 1 0 -1 0.0 4417.2 1305.3
      Darwinian 0 4750.2 1459.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4739.0 1470.2
      Darwinian 0 4773.0 1726.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4766.2 1711.5
      Darwinian 0 4790.9 1456.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4791.1 1458.3
      Darwinian 0 4587.8 1529.6 1 0 -1 0.0 4589.9 1546.6
      Darwinian 0 4812.9 1460.8 1 0 -1 0.0 4816.0 1441.4
      Darwinian 0 4654.9 1560.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4653.1 1578.0
      Darwinian 0 4754.8 1535.0 1 0 -1 0.0 4753.6 1553.9
      Darwinian 0 4532.4 1536.4 1 0 -1 0.0 4548.3 1528.3
      Darwinian 0 4178.4 1772.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4163.5 1774.1
      Darwinian 0 2488.8 2466.6 1 0 -1 0.0 2505.9 2457.9
      Darwinian 0 4455.7 1308.7 1 0 -1 0.0 4455.7 1308.7
      Darwinian 0 4756.3 1443.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4768.3 1454.7
      Darwinian 0 4764.2 1429.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4761.9 1466.8
      Darwinian 0 4362.6 1384.5 1 0 -1 0.0 4363.3 1368.4
      Darwinian 0 4237.8 1781.2 1 0 -1 0.0 4221.6 1777.4
      Darwinian 0 2603.5 2353.3 1 0 -1 0.0 2606.8 2340.1
      Darwinian 0 3378.2 364.8 1 0 -1 0.0 3389.9 370.1
      Darwinian 0 2477.1 2340.5 1 0 -1 0.0 2470.6 2345.4
      Darwinian 0 4244.5 1715.1 1 0 -1 0.0 4242.8 1728.9
      Darwinian 0 2336.3 2190.5 1 0 -1 0.0 2329.2 2203.6
      Darwinian 0 4195.3 1864.4 1 0 -1 0.0 4211.4 1852.3
      Darwinian 0 4294.4 1663.9 1 0 -1 0.0 4282.2 1651.5
      Darwinian 0 2369.7 2227.4 1 0 -1 0.0 2352.9 2221.7
      Darwinian 0 3388.1 372.3 1 0 -1 0.0 3388.1 372.3
      Virii 1 3677.3 1431.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3677.3 1431.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3410.1 1243.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3410.1 1243.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3677.3 1431.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3432.8 1259.1 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3677.3 1431.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3410.1 1243.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3677.3 1431.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3677.3 1431.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3677.3 1431.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3677.3 1431.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3432.8 1259.1 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3432.8 1259.1 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3410.1 1243.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3432.8 1259.1 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3410.1 1243.6 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3432.8 1259.1 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3575.0 1385.8 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3575.0 1385.8 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3575.0 1385.8 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3575.0 1385.8 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Virii 1 3575.0 1385.8 1 0 -1 100.0 0.0 0.0
      Officer 2 713.3 848.9 1 0 1 0.0 921.4 498.2
      Officer 2 2501.3 2122.1 1 0 1 0.0 2500.7 2210.7
      Officer 2 4459.5 1438.8 1 0 1 0.0 4793.2 1494.9

      BuildingOnline :generator,0 generator_objective1 generator_primary1.txt



      Engineer 1 0 0 2504.14 1966.10 2528.37 1921.78 255
      Squadie 5 0 4 3515.37 1797.05 3515.37 1797.05 75 3506.56 1792.54 75 3497.65 1787.99 75 3488.75 1783.44 75 3479.85 1778.89 75
      Engineer 1 0 0 2549.04 1994.78 2535.22 1978.91 255

    • To answer my own question, changing that value to 1 doesn't do anything.

      Here's something to add to the fun: Since the generator isn't on, no power flows to the Yard, even though both trunk ports are active. So, I can't make the Armour. I know I can destroy the ants without the Armour, but that would still leave the Armour task incomplete. frustration mounts.

    • @unmighty, on May 16 2007, 12:13 AM, said in Generator not generating:

      To answer my own question, changing that value to 1 doesn't do anything.

      No, it doesn't. That 0 refers to the building ID number of the generator in the map file for the level. If you look in game.txt, you should see a line that reads something like the following.:

      		# Id  teamId  locId   type   link  online
      		# =======================================
      #skip several lines
      		   0	2	  4	 14	 -1	  0

      Change the very last 0 to a 1. That will change the generator's status from offline to online, and allow you to finish Yard.


    • So, my luck continues. I made that change, restarted Darwinia, and discovered that the game.txt file was corrupted. No locations, even Garden, were available. The only contents of the game.txt file now were the research items (all set to 0). Naturally, this was the one time I didn't back up the file beforehand, which is obviously a Bad Thing.

      I am currently trying to give myself a crash course in modifying a "virgin" game.txt to get back to where I was before. I have the levels enabled that I did before, and have changed the research values to where I was as well.

      I'm, currently searching around for an explanation of the building definitions so that I can activate the various trunk ports and other buildings, without having to go through each level and re-do them. I suppose that that is one solution, though.

      I imagine I'll have to change something in the Events area of the file, but I haven't gotten far enough to figure out what that all does.

      Any help you're able to provide is appreciated.

      Ugh. I always find the weirdest bugs...

    • @unmighty, on May 16 2007, 11:24 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      So, my luck continues. I made that change, restarted Darwinia, and discovered that the game.txt file was corrupted. No locations, even Garden, were available. The only contents of the game.txt file now were the research items (all set to 0). Naturally, this was the one time I didn't back up the file beforehand, which is obviously a Bad Thing.

      I am currently trying to give myself a crash course in modifying a "virgin" game.txt to get back to where I was before. I have the levels enabled that I did before, and have changed the research values to where I was as well.

      I'm, currently searching around for an explanation of the building definitions so that I can activate the various trunk ports and other buildings, without having to go through each level and re-do them. I suppose that that is one solution, though.

      I imagine I'll have to change something in the Events area of the file, but I haven't gotten far enough to figure out what that all does.

      Any help you're able to provide is appreciated.

      Ugh. I always find the weirdest bugs...

      Rebuilding game.txt from scratch is a bad idea. I would strongly recommend against it. That being said, the only buildings that you need to worry about are ones that are marked as global in the various mission and map files, and that are used as mission objectives. The rest will be automatically taken care of by Darwinia, more or less. Honestly, though, I think that starting over with a new profile would be faster and easier.


    • Here's what I did, and what happened:

      After editing the Research values and enabling the proper levels, I went back through all the locations, reprogramming the control towers for that level. Everything was fine except, again, for the Generator level. When I re-entered that, I found it completely empty--no DGs, no virii, none of my units. Everything was barren and dead. I had to reset the location and complete the level over again. That wasn't a big deal, really, as I had done it before, and was faster this time. The generator itself still wouldn't come online, so I edited game.txt as you instructed (this time backing up the file). I restarted the game and re-entered Generator, and this time got the "mission complete" message. The game considered the generator online, even though the readout on it still said 0.
      I then re-entered the Yard, which was fine except for again having to re-program all of the control towers. But, this time there was power flowing from the generator, so I was able to construct the Armour and finish the level (even though I've found that I prefer to use Squads and Airstrikes to actually kill the ants and anthills, but that's just me...).

      I didn't want to start with a new profile, since that would mean doing everything over again.

      All in all, this worked, and just took a bit of time.

      Hopefully everything will be functioning now, but I'll be sure to let you know if there are any other strange issues.

    • Darwinia doesn't know about the story link between the generator power line and the power line in the Yard.

    • @prophile, on May 18 2007, 09:50 AM, said in Generator not generating:

      Darwinia doesn't know about the story link between the generator power line and the power line in the Yard.

      I don't think that's quite true. With the generator problem, I had everything else working in the Yard (with the refined primitives sitting in the spot to make the Armour), with blips of power running from the Generator trunk port, but nothing happening beyond that. After I forced the game to activate the generator, and went back into the Generator level to get the "mission complete" message, I returned to the Yard. After that, I got the message that Armour would now be produced, and so it was.

      So, yeah, I think Darwinia does need an active generator to finish the Yard.

    • @prophile, on May 18 2007, 04:50 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      Darwinia doesn't know about the story link between the generator power line and the power line in the Yard.

      Tsk tsk! I thought you kept up on the IV Darwinia boards? In order for a StartPylon to work, it must be toggled by a Trunkport that connects to a level with a Generator, and that Generator must be shown as online in game.txt. brice figured that out last week. 😉 So, while Darwinia doesn't care about the story link, it does care about the Generator being online.


    • Oh, I just remembered this random bug from when I was resetting the various control towers in the game--

      I a couple of levels I left (after completing the missions) with a few souls still left in incubators. When I returned to those levels, with the incubators now reverted back to the original state (red, not yellow), they turned out red Darwinians instead of the normal green guys. The red and green DGs quickly got into a fight (I had mine upgraded to lasers at that point), and since the green DGs were already clustered around the incubators, they polished off the reds with no trouble. I sent my engineers to recapture the souls and all was well.

      A bit odd, but not too surprising when I consider it.

    • @unmighty, on May 18 2007, 06:52 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      Oh, I just remembered this random bug from when I was resetting the various control towers in the game--

      This occurred when you were hacking your game.txt file, no? If so, this isn't a bug. It is simply how Darwinia does thing. The behaviour may seem odd, but it is certainly the correct behaviour.

      If, on the other hand, this just came from resetting a level, then it is a bug. Could you clarify, please?


    • @darwinian, on May 18 2007, 01:51 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      If, on the other hand, this just came from resetting a level, then it is a bug. Could you clarify, please?


      Sorry for the sloppy description on my part. It was after editing the game.txt file, not resetting the level. When I entered the level after editing game.txt, enabling the missions, the control towers, incubators, etc. were back to being owned by virii, while all of the data actually stored in the individual mission files were read, so units (squads, engineers, DGs) were in the correct distribution.

      So, yeah, it does make sense that Darwinia would do things this way. After all, if it's a virus incubator, and there are souls in there, it wouldn't be right for green DGs to be the result of that. It just found it interesting and worth mentioning, in the context of everything else.

    • I also had a problem with the generator. After forcing it to turn on and completing the Yard, I got the Acquired Armor message, but it didn't show up in my research until I made it version 1.

    • @kickme, on May 22 2007, 07:31 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      I also had a problem with the generator. After forcing it to turn on and completing the Yard, I got the Acquired Armor message, but it didn't show up in my research until I made it version 1.

      As I recall, though it has been a while, Armour does not show up in your research until after you complete Yard. In Yard, you get Armour from the construction yard.


    • @darwinian, on May 22 2007, 12:56 PM, said in Generator not generating:

      As I recall, though it has been a while, Armour does not show up in your research until after you complete Yard. In Yard, you get Armour from the construction yard.


      Yep. Once the Armour starts being produced in the Yard, it just keeps getting pumped out at a steady rate. After you finish the Yard, it becomes available as a researchable item for the rest of the game.

      As an aside, I was happy when I realized that Armours can drive underwater with no problem. That made getting DGs around the levels a whole lot easier. It is annoying, though, when they decide to spin around in circles a few times before becoming Battle Cannons (what are they, cats?)--meanwhile the DGs stand around, I imagine, twiddling their green thumbs and hopefully managing to hold off nearby enemies on their own.

    • The text only appeared after finishing Yard. When playing Pattern Buffer, I couldn't bring in armours.