Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Temple - I give up!

      10 11 2.9k

      Extreemly frustrated

      So finely get the the Temple level and after all that, I give up. With the game the way it is now, this level is virtually impossible. I was able to get two islands cleared and one virus elimitated only to have them overrun by the other virus'. Trying to get to the last remaining virus' is impossible. First of all, the frame rate slows way down to like 5 or 6. Second my squads won't respond to my commands. I'm clicking away at where I want them to go and by the time they finally start to move, they are dead in their tracks overrun all the little nasties. I don't stand a chance at finishing this game, and now I wish I hadn't registered it. I'd ask for my money back if I thought you'd give it to me. Hell, I probably have a better chance at getting my money back than I do at finishing this game. Thanks a lot guys!

    • John,
      I agree with you the Temple level is badly broken in the current implementation. I also can't finish it I believe mostly because of the bad frame rate (as low as 3fps with a dual processor 2Ghz G5).

      However, as other posts indicate a fix in the works for this issue and several others. I intend to wait until that fix is released and try again. I'll probably restart the game as I didn't really understand the place research plays in game play and made some fundamental mistakes in the early part of the game.

      Ambrosia, historically, does not publish any information on upcoming fixes. A policy that I fully understand (I work for a software development company). However, in this case some official notice about the status of this update would do a lot to calm the rising storm of frustration over the performance of Darwinia.

      Other than being a usually satisfied customer I have no connection to Ambrosia.

    • There is a new patch in beta at the moment (v1.2) - keeping up with the developers rather than the publishers is a good idea, methinks

    • JohnH, on May 4 2005, 12:36 AM, said:

      So finely get the the Temple level and after all that, I give up. With the game the way it is now, this level is virtually impossible. I was able to get two islands cleared and one virus elimitated only to have them overrun by the other virus'. Trying to get to the last remaining virus' is impossible. First of all, the frame rate slows way down to like 5 or 6. Second my squads won't respond to my commands. I'm clicking away at where I want them to go and by the time they finally start to move, they are dead in their tracks overrun all the little nasties. I don't stand a chance at finishing this game, and now I wish I hadn't registered it. I'd ask for my money back if I thought you'd give it to me. Hell, I probably have a better chance at getting my money back than I do at finishing this game. Thanks a lot guys!
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      I felt the same but eventually managed to do it, even at terrible frame rate. Use officers and radar dishes to channel Darwinians to the final island, then set up officers to direct them towards the infected spam email. Many will die, but they will keep coming (maybe build up a big group on one island first). They will clear a path for your Squad to reach the spam and airstrike it.

      I'm also looking forward to playing it all again with a better framerate. Saw it on a friends PC and... wow.

    • markfn, on May 4 2005, 12:47 PM, said:

      I also can't finish it I believe mostly because of the bad frame rate (as low as 3fps with a dual processor 2Ghz G5).
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      Realy? I'm running it on a dual 2 Ghz G5 as well, and although it can slow down a bit, its never really affected gameplay for me.

      The level was difficult, but once you figure out a good strategy its fairly simple to beat it. It seems that if you clear all the Viri from an island, the Email Viruses can't infect the remaining souls. Just be quick about it so they dont have time to be resurected.

      The only problem I had was the island with the red darwinians on it. The area around the dishes can quickly get overrun by viri and spiders if you let it, and the red darwinians dont make it any easier for you. I had to make squads as quickly as possible, lob grenades, die, then repeat till the area was relatively clear. Once you have some breathing room, charge the Email Virus and do as much damage as you can till the squad is killed. Risne and repeat. Took me about a half an hour to finish the level, but once the Email Virus on an island is gone, the rest of the enemies are easy pickings.

      This post has been edited by Picquilarius : 07 May 2005 - 08:23 PM

    • I pretty much stopped playing when I reached the pattern buffer. 10-12 FPS on a Dual 1.8 is too slow, it's not fun.

      Was very disappointed.

    • Just hold on until the patch comes out. That should improve things somewhat.

    • I finished the game. The temple level wasn't nearly as terrible as the Yard level. A 'version 3' airstrike of course also helps.

      What was strange is that at the island with the red darwinians a load of spiders got stuck underwater...

    • Hi there!

      The temple is quite nice. To get this level cleared in nearly 15 minutes you first have to send out one engineer to that island with the red darwinians. Repair the right control tower, summon some squaddies and load airstrike. Better you do that twice ( 2 squad entities ) with loaded airstrikes. Then kill this email virus. The other islands are piece of cake.

      greetz tulku

    • tulku, on Jun 7 2005, 05:49 PM, said:

      The temple is quite nice. View Post

      erm... the problem is that you can not do a thing in any level if your framerate ist down to UNDER 1 (it says 1, but it is slower on my 1,6 GHz powerbook in 'pattern buffer')

      Agent_Vast, on May 4 2005, 04:24 PM, said:

      There is a new patch in beta at the moment (v1.2)

      oh fine. that message was over a month ago. anything coming up yet? give me that beta then if it might help me get some usable gameplay. i can play with 5fps, but not with less than 1.

    • I can't give you a beta for the following reasons:

      1. It's not open
      2. I'm not a beta tester.

      It'll be out in a couple of weeks, be patient.