Ambrosia Garden Archive

    • How do you beat the Aeneas System? 😕

    • That isn't very helpful.


    • ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that systems easy "tree huger"


    • Fenix, that's not a particularly helpful attitude.

      Tree- Which level is the Aenneas system? That might jog my aging Ares memory into providing a few tips... Wow... I really am getting old...

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only

      Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

    • I'm going with Sundred Angel on this one:

      1. Nak'Goek, shutup. Elitism isn't appreciated around here.

      2. Fenix, being green is fine. Being green and stupid is fine. Being green, stupid, and a loud-mouth is not fine. You shutup too.

      3. Tree, if you are going to ask for help, you are a lot more likely to get a positive response if you:
      • State the name of the level
      • State the number of the level
      • State your specific problem

      The last one is optional. If you have keine Anhung how to beat it, you can just say you can't do it. If you get to a specific point and can't go any further, it would help if you told us all about it. The more info you provide, the better.

      Of course, this post isn't helpful either, but I'm just too lazy to go sifting through 20 levels of Ares.

      Hey, Sundred Angel! I wonder what happens when you spell "Nohtia" backwards...

    • oh ok sorry tree, and I will shut up "for a while"


    • Nothia: sorry, I was just kidding, god. :frown:

    • Ok, heres how i did it and got a score of 148....
      First things first. IMMEDIATLY take over the first flak drone, then take over the one on the planet, when you do this send 5 cruisers with it. after that, its easy.

      Baku runs around with underwear on his head