Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Single mouse button controls

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      Make them gone!

      Okay, so on the mac holding down the mouse button fires/sets orders/does thing. That's really annoying. I have two mouse buttons and I keep accidentally firing when I mean to move, or reseting my go-to order when I mean to move my officer (even worse!).

      Can the "hold to do thing" control be turned off so only right mouse sets orders/fires?

    • I have the same problem with officers, and it's really annoying, especially because half the time doing a really quick click often doesn't move it, prompting me to try to do a slightly longer click without resetting the Go-to order.

      Please, please give us an option to make left-click for officers always for moving, and right-click for setting go-to orders

    • Open ~/Library/Applications Support/Darwinia/full/preferences.txt (~ means your home directory) and change the line:

      ControlMouseButtons = 1


      ControlMouseButtons = 2

      That will disable the single mouse button controls. I do think it might be a good idea to have a checkbox in the in-game options screens.

    • awesome thanks.

      Now registered. 😉

    • I tried out the fix, but now I can't use my squad's secondary weapon. Is there a way to change the secondary fire command to shift-right click, instead of shift-click?

    • Picquilarius, on Apr 1 2005, 10:58 PM, said:

      I tried out the fix, but now I can't use my squad's secondary weapon. Is there a way to change the secondary fire command to shift-right click, instead of shift-click?
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      To fire secondary, left-click while holding the right button.

    • Guy, on Apr 2 2005, 02:05 AM, said:

      To fire secondary, left-click while holding the right button.
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      Ah yes, of course...