Note: All dates are in YR, or year of reckoning, based from an arbitrary date set by the Consensus. The liberation of Earth was in 1374 YR.
-132 YR: Clans of Obiards unite for the first time, but this unity lasts for only a short time before the clans split again.
227 YR: Clan Yr'nkath rises to dominance. Yr'nkath was a fiercely ritual and religious clan, and rightfully feared by others. Opposing it stood Oab'eta, the explorers, Prian'tar, the builders, and Fera'la, the philosophers.
229 YR: Yr'nkath is openly opposed upon declaration that science must be abolished for religion.
230-235 YR: Oab'eta, Prian'tar, and Fera'la lead a war against the Yr'nkath, aided by many other minor clans.
235 YR: Yr'nkath falls to opposing forces, and is abolished, the first time a clan was completely erased in the history of Obain. Oab'eta and Fera'la refuse to claim dominance, but Prian'tar accepts the honor and becomes Pr'iantar. Pr'iantar asks for Oab'eta and Fera'la to help them, and they accept.
286 YR: Thousands of Obiards are killed in an attempt to restore Yr'nkath, which fails.
286-897 YR: The years of discovery; during this period of time Fera'la makes great scientific discoveries, Pr'iantar forges the first steel, and Oab'eta extends influence to other continents. This period ended with the Opposition
897 YR: The Opposition is formed. Using new steel weapons which Fera'la advised not to keep secret, eleven clans come together to bring down the government composed of Pr'iantar, Fera'la, and Oab'eta. Pr'iantar steps down, but in the ensuing power struggle, it regains dominance.
1054-1101 YR: Pr'iantar's influence declines during this period. In the interest of preserving order, Pr'iantar steps down, again becoming Prian'tar. Oab'eta steps into dominance, becoming O'abeta.
1099 YR: The first extraterrestrial planet is colonized
1149 YR: The first light drive is developed, due to increased O'abeta interest in expanding towards other systems. Obish explorers leave for Cephalos.
1199 YR: Obish explorers return from Cephalos, to find that a somewhat more efective FTL drive has been developed. Plans have been set for the colonization of other planets, and transports have been sent already.
1217 YR: The first Obish escort is commissioned
1277 YR: The Obain Collective, now known as the Free Worlds of Obain, reaches its present size.
1279 YR: Obish starships meet with the first extraterrestrial lifeforms, the Gaitori, contact is minimal, but somewhat friendly.
1291 YR: First contact with Ishimans; Gaitori isolationists begin their rise to power.
1312 YR: Ishimans, sympathetic towards the troubles of sustaining an empire with slow communications, share the secret of the jumpgate; Obish Destroyer developed.
1363 YR: Gaitori isolationists declare war on Obain, Obish escorts equipped with Salrillian cloaking devices.
1371 YR: Obain-Gaitori War ends.
1374 YR: Peace treaty formed in Elysium system, Cantharan interference fails