::pulls typical British colonial upper-class accent::
Salutations, what what!
I say old chaps, so far we seem to have received a typically low response rate to our offer of a tournament this weekend, don'tcha'know? Anybody might think you had better things to do!
Not that I can talk myself or anything but it would be frightfully good if some of you lazy fellows could instruct your butlers to write a response back.... !
This coming weekend is a bank-holiday for those of us in jolly olde England. So now that we are somewhat closer to the time, how do all you people find your diaries? So far only Shoes and Helix have shown any interest which is smashing of them, so shake a leg, you others! It would be terrific if we could get six or more confirmations, what! So why don't you all write and tell me if you can't make it at all, and if so, which day and time you would prefer?
I would suggest we gather to hunt pop at about 5pm on Sunday 30th May British Summer Time. That's 4pm GMT and 6pm CET. For you fellows over the other side of the Atlantic, that is noon EST, and around 2am down under -_-
All novices are welcome too, especially form the other camp. Counter suggestions are also splendid, what!
Okay then, that about wraps it up. Jolly good show and happy popping and all that!
::edited to remove inadvertent smiley::
(This message has been edited by Ryoko (edited 05-28-2004).)