Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Morning Tourney - Results

      7 10 1548

      Due to the fact we only had 6 players in this tournament only one round was played so the results are as follows:

      1. SHOES
      2. Ryoko
      3. Hyko
      4. Helix
      5. Fyrephin
      6. Neta

      Full results can be found on the site.

      Congratulations SHOES, thanks to everyone for playing and hopefully the tracker might be working for the next tournament!


      May whatever (url="http://"")darkness(/url) you embrace, always bring you (url="http://"")enlightenment(/url)

    • Congrats SHOES on a well earned win! As for me I can only apologise for my absence, since it was largely for my sake that the tourney was held in the morning instead of the usual evening time...

      With the tracker down, I did not know whether the tourney was still going ahead, and it wasn't until after 10pm Sydney time that I was browsing the Ambrosia webboards, when I saw Hyko's post. I think perhaps the IP addresses idea should be noted from now on for future tourneys.
      In addition, other circumstances outside of pop-pop had affected my life pretty badly at the time, suffice to say that I wasn't feeling 100%... :frown:

      Once again, I apologise to everyone for my absence, as I'm sure most of you were looking forward to seeing me play - the time was chosen to allow me to play, and I appreciate that very much. And it certainly didn't help that the tracker was awol at the time we needed it. I hope that there will be better luck next time, meanwhile I hope to catch up with you individually for a game or two...

      This message is brought to you by FOOTOΒ™ the Wonder Boot Exploder

    • Considering we had tracker chaos and absentees I think we made a pretty good job of the tourney. I particularly enjoyed my 3-2 comeback against Hyko and my 3-1 pounding πŸ˜„ of Ryoko, which included an eleven minute first round (Ryoko's winning round)! But the tourney not having a final knockout stage made it feel a bit unfinished. I think we should have another tourney soon to make up for this - a Sunday evening (GMT) tourney.

      Thanks for hosting Fyrephin.

      (smug git)
      Hmmm, it sure feels good to be Champion again. πŸ˜„
      (/smug git)

    • (Somewhat copied and edited from my previous post)

      Omeditah Fyrephin - you did an outstanding job of gathering us together over AIM and ICQ in what has been the worst tournament tracker problems yet... Hard to see how it could ever be worse really ^_^;;

      Also to Hyko-san for help with help organising an alternative 'tracker'. I've had some thoughts on this which if you had lots of free time you might be able to do to help out further?

      - the host ought to be able to post messages regarding the tournament onto your system. It would only need to hold a few messages, such that they can say "Oops, come and log into AIM" , or "yes, it's still happening, just hang on a while". No need for anything fancy, just a simple text message.
      - Alternatively, (or also) they could have access to a web-mail form to mail us all information.

      I also think we probably ought to have a standard chat-room or something we can use

      As I said before, it was a shame we did not get to play a second round as I was looking forward to a few more games - the whole thing was over a bit too quickly! ^.^; Regardless though, congrats to SHOES for his performance during it. Suberashi. ^_^


      Originally posted by SHOES:
      (smug git)
      Hmmm, it sure feels good to be Champion again. πŸ˜„
      (/smug git)

      ne, SHOES-kun, when have you not been the champion of (smug git) ? ^_~


      Originally posted by SHOES:
      **I think we should have another tourney soon to make up for this - a Sunday evening (GMT) tourney.

      Is anyone able to make one next weekend - I'm reasonably certain (though never 100%) that I will be around then - and am willing to host. I'm aware as it is a bank holiday people may be off elsewhere and/or having the truly enthralling 'visit the relatives' experience. ^_~


    • First of all I want to thank you Fyrephin for organising and hosting this unusual tournament and I want to congratulate SHOES for his success. And of course I want to thank all others who still participated although the tracker was down and everything was a little bit confusing...


      Originally posted by Ryoko:
      **Also to Hyko-san for help with help organising an alternative 'tracker'. I've had some thoughts on this which if you had lots of free time you might be able to do to help out further?

      - the host ought to be able to post messages regarding the tournament onto your system. It would only need to hold a few messages, such that they can say "Oops, come and log into AIM" , or "yes, it's still happening, just hang on a while". No need for anything fancy, just a simple text message.
      - Alternatively, (or also) they could have access to a web-mail form to mail us all information.

      I also think we probably ought to have a standard chat-room or something we can use

      I don't know if it makes sense to further improve this alternative tracker (which i rapidly tried to set up 45 min before the tourney was going to start), but i will leave the IP-addresses visible in the report results screen...
      The Idea to allow the host(s) to post messages linked to the tournament is a good one. I will implement a possibility to write a text as additional Information to each tournament.
      The web-mail form for the host to contact all users who are signed in to the tournament by mail is already implemented for some weeks now.

      The standard chat-room is IMO "poppop" on AIM/iChat. We should communicate it better in future...

      Thanks for the hints Ryoko.

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚

      (This message has been edited by Hyko (edited 05-23-2004).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ryoko:
      ne, SHOES-kun, when have you not been the champion of (smug git) ? ^_~

      When I'm not Champion of pop-pop! πŸ™‚


      Originally posted by Ryoko:
      Is anyone able to make one next weekend...

      I would be up for a tourney next Sunday evening (GMT).


      Originally posted by Ryoko:
      I'm aware as it is a bank holiday...

      Is it? - Great!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Hyko:
      The Idea to allow the host(s) to post messages linked to the tournament is a good one. I will implement a possibility to write a text as additional Information to each tournament.

      done πŸ™‚

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") πŸ™‚

    • Congrats to all who played!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:

      Originally posted by Ryoko:
      ne, SHOES-kun, when have you not been the champion of (smug git) ? ^_~
      When I'm not Champion of pop-pop!:)

      Or now? ^_~


      Originally posted by Hyko:
      **done πŸ™‚

      ::is very impressed:: ^_^


    • Sigh... I missed another one. My somewhat lame excuse is that I only just found out about the planned tourney since I'm in the US for 2 and a half weeks for work and girlfriend visitation rights. Big thanks to Fyrephin for making a time convenient for the Asia Pacific. It's a shame that I couldn't make it... would have been fun.

      Congrats aplenty to Mr. SHOES and his mad poppin skillz!

      Hi. I'm Dingo. Can I have your baby?