Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Next Tournament: 22nd May

      11 20 1902

      The tournament will be at 11am GMT which makes it:

      GMT: 11am
      UK: 12 pm (midday)
      CET: 1pm
      EST: 6am (sorry!)
      Sydney: 9pm

      Check your own times using (url="http://"")http://timezoneconve...cgi-bin/tzc.tzc(/url) if I've forgotten to include you

      Please could those responsible for the mailing list announce the tournament and could someone put it on the tournament site so people can sign up?

      Look forward to seeing you all there 🙂


      May whatever (url="http://"")darkness(/url) you embrace, always bring you (url="http://"")enlightenment(/url)

    • I think I'll be in 🙂


      Enrico Enrco Enco Eno

      (This message has been edited by Eno (edited 05-15-2004).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by fyrephin:
      **The tournament will be at 11am GMT which makes it:

      GMT: 11am
      UK: 12 pm (midday)
      CET: 1pm
      EST: 6am (sorry!)
      Sydney: 9pm

      Check your own times using http://timezoneconve...cgi-bin/tzc.tzc if I've forgotten to include you

      Please could those responsible for the mailing list announce the tournament and could someone put it on the tournament site so people can sign up?

      Look forward to seeing you all there 🙂



      That's great, Fyrephin. I will give you host rights on the tournament page and send a mail to all registered users to announce your tournament.

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂

    • What else can I say? Count me in! 🙂

      Thanks once again for accomodating my timezone. I know it's not your regular time for tourneys, so I really appreciate you guys thinking of dingo & me. I look forward to a good clean fight 🙂


    • now that´s a shock: my mother will visit next week and and probably not appreciate me playing pop-pop in the middle of the day... but i´ll try, just that i think that´s quite impossible....well, we´ll see.


    • You can now sign up for the tournament at (url="http://"")

      Thanks Hyko and sorry Lumisa :frown:

      Look forward to seeing the rest of you there and seeing how my first hosted tournament goes!


      May whatever (url="http://"")darkness(/url) you embrace, always bring you (url="http://"")enlightenment(/url)

    • What time would that be on the Pacific coast?

      (url="http://"")Blog? What blog?(/url)
      <(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

    • I may be able to play... but between one hour from now and the 21st I'll be driving across the US from California to Boston. So I might not be up for it.

      Whether I play or not, could I beg of Fyrephin, or someone, the favor of posting a notice about the tournament on (url="http://"")my site(/url)? That would be awsome. I know there's not much life to it lately, cause I've been really busy, but that would be a start.

      Just a historical note: I'm typing this lying on my stomach here on the floor, because the computer is the only piece of furniture (such as it is) left in here. Fun fun! 😄

      'Praxis makes perfect.'
      (url="http://"")squibix web(/url)

    • Hey great news! Yes I'll certainly be up for a tourney. 12 o'clock on Saturday isn't the best time for me but I appreciate it will help the Aussies out. Looking forward to it already. Hope you do make it Lumisa and Danny.

      Here's my historical note: I'm sitting here with barely enough room to eat my lunch. I am surrounded by furniture and junk. Decorating of course, and I wish I never started!

      See you at the tourney.

    • I think I will be able to play. I'm never sure though, so I'm not going to sign in just yet.

      Looking forward to it...



    • The tournament is tomorrow morning - it looks likely that I will be able to participate!

      I'm looking forward to it
      C U all tomorrow



    • 30 minutes until the tournament start and the tracker's unavailable...

      I suggest we meet on GameRanger and in AIM chat pop-pop for those who have any problems with GR

      Or we could reschedule the tournament?


      May whatever (url="http://"")darkness(/url) you embrace, always bring you (url="http://"")enlightenment(/url)

    • Nope. Can't connect to the tracker either. And the tournemant is due to start in 2 minutes time....


    • Hyko is working on an solution. and in my eyes it works... even without game ranger... stay tuned!


    • Quote

      Originally posted by mikrisa:
      **Hyko is working on an solution. and in my eyes it works... even without game ranger... stay tuned!


      We play with help of the ip-addresses... join poppop chatroom in AIM to participate...

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂

      (This message has been edited by Hyko (edited 05-22-2004).)

    • ..oops...

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 05-22-2004).)

    • i´ve heard rumors that shoes has won this tournament!
      congratulations shoes!!!! well done. and this time (rumors again) even ryoko played - winning without having any practice is quite amazing!! 🙂 i wish i could have been there.
      more rumors say that none of the australiens for whom this tourney has been timed showed up!? shame on them!! 😉

      (i have to rely on the rumors here because i can´t find the thread with the results or the award ceremony... ;))


    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **(i have to rely on the rumors here because i can´t find the thread with the results or the award ceremony...;) )


      Fyrephin, who was a great host handling this chaotic tournament, had to leave very fast after or while the last games. We had a delay of 30 min. starting the tourney without the tracker. She promised to post the results ASAP and then we will celebrate the winners and the host 🙂
      This time we only played the first round. So that the table shown in the system is representing the final results... I was missing you in the tournament although I would not have made the third place then...

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **i´ve heard rumors that shoes has won this tournament!
      congratulations shoes!!!! well done. and this time (rumors again) even ryoko played - winning without having any practice is quite amazing!! 🙂 i wish i could have been there.
      more rumors say that none of the australiens for whom this tourney has been timed showed up!? shame on them!! 😉

      (i have to rely on the rumors here because i can´t find the thread with the results or the award ceremony... ;))


      I was waiting for an official results page too before commenting, however I should confirm your rumours for you - they are all correct, though you could find that out by checking the score table ^_^. Fyrephin did an outstanding job with Hyko-san's help organising an alternative 'tracker', but I think it was the tracker issues which stopped people playing - or even realising that the tournament was happening. So I would not call 'shame' on our Australian peers, but rather on Ambrosia for once again failing to have the tracker working.

      Do we have a UBB code for this? ^~
      Tracker problems seem to be something of a tedious regularity during the past tournaments I have participated in (though I admit I have missed several, which were probably fine). -
      - I must add that my admittedly very untutored (concerning IT) mind fails to understand why when they can keep a complicated web server running including sales and bulletin board systems, and yet seem unable to keep what should (I would have thought) be a relatively simple game tracker running correctly. o_O; The regularity of the outage, and the length of time it takes to be fixed smacks to me of nothing short of rampant apathy. While I am sure that is not the case, it would be nice if that was not the impression that was given.

      It was a shame we did not get to play a second round as I was looking forward to a few more games - once I had finally sorted out my AIM woes (gomen, I am useless, I know), and hence had the game running smoothly (without crashing) it was mostly all over Ź_Ź. We needed more players! ^^; ... Okay, and I was hoping to have a chance to redeem myself against SHOES-kun as well. ^~


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ryoko:
      I was waiting for an official results page too before commenting, however I should confirm your rumours for you - they are all correct, though you could find that out by checking the score table^_^. Fyrephin did an outstanding job with Hyko-san's help organising an alternative 'tracker', but I think it was the tracker issues which stopped people playing - or even realising that the tournament was happening. So I would not call 'shame' on our Australian peers, but rather on Ambrosia for once again failing to have the tracker working.

      Thanks Ryoko, hi everyone. As for my excuses, I refer you to my post - (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...-23-200401:44AM(/url)

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