Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • PopEdit is sent to the addons page

      2 11 1796

      If you look back a few months, you will find (url="http://"")this topic(/url) which is about submitting files onto the addons page. The final word was that the ftp server was corrupt and Ambrosia would be notified. Well, I noticed that today, pop-pop 1.0.3 was on the addons page, so I have tried to resubmit PopEdit. I would like to know, jinx, did it go through? To anybody else reading this, there is a good chance that PopEdit will be on the addons page. Merry Christmas!

      Motion is impossible:
      If an archer fired an arrow at a target, it would have to travel halfway before reaching the target. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway...

    • I'm not sure why, but it still does not appear in the list of files for me to approve.
      No word from Tom Woozle about it either.
      Have you checked if it works with 1.0.3? I don't think that will be an issue, but if you can check that out it might help things. I'll email David Dunham and Tom this time.

      If you think I'm being mean, please tell me. I was actually going for NASTY!!

      (This message has been edited by jinx (edited 12-21-2003).)

    • It does indeed work with pop-pop 1.0.3. Unfortunately, I cannot test it on Panther, but I think that it will work.

      Motion is impossible:
      If an archer fired an arrow at a target, it would have to travel halfway before reaching the target. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway...

    • Well, I finally e-mailed David Dunham about the problem. I sent him a copy of PopEdit and gave him a link to my temporary site to also host pop-pop music in MP3 format. I did this because the songs are about five megabytes apiece, too much for my e-mail service. If anybody wants the songs or the UNOFFICIAL editor, you can download it at (url="http://"") (yeah, I'm using my mom's account for now). I'll keep my computer on continuously for a few days, then you'll just have to be lucky enough to be on when I'm on. I'll take down my temporary page if these files do end up on the addons page.

      By the way, I'd like to share my story about how I got the MP3 files. A long time ago, I downloaded the files in XM format. XM is kind of like MOD. iTunes was unable to read it. Every program I tried that claimed it could turn XM into MP3 didn't work. So I finally just launched a MOD player, and ran WireTap set at one of the better codecs. It took 300-500 megabytes to record just one song, but I then converted it to MP3 in iTunes to bring it down to a reasonable 5 MB. 🙂

      Motion is impossible:
      If an archer fired an arrow at a target, it would have to travel halfway before reaching the target. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway...

      (This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 01-11-2004).)

    • I just got the following e-mail from Tom Woozle;

      Sorry for the delay, guys. My fault - I accidentally removed you from my to do list! 😕

      I have fixed the problem - jinx, you should now see the files waiting. 🙂

      Let me know if something is still amiss.


      I just uploaded the files, so they should appear on the the addons page soon.

      By the way, the music is not in .sit format because it was the same file size compressed or non compressed. I know that it says to compress uploaded files, but it doesn't seem logical.
      Motion is impossible:
      If an archer fired an arrow at a target, it would have to travel halfway before reaching the target. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway...

      (This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 01-22-2004).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Thunderforge:
      I just uploaded the files, so they should appear on the the addons page soon.

      By the way, the music is not in .sit format because it was the same file size compressed or non compressed. I know that it says to compress uploaded files, but it doesn't seem logical.**

      Give me a few days to check it all out - I'm in the middle of a big exhibit changeout, and very busy here at home (some plumbing issues that have taken a life of their own.)

      BTW, you mention music. Is this music you created?

      If you think I'm being mean, please tell me. I was actually going for NASTY!!

    • Perhaps I didn't clarify when I first mentioned the music a few posts back. The music is the game music for pop-pop, but in MP3 format.

      Take your time, jinx, I'm in no hurry to see it up.

      Motion is impossible:
      If an archer fired an arrow at a target, it would have to travel halfway before reaching the target. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway...

    • Forgive me for being impatient, jinx, but could I ask how long you think it will be till the updates see the light of the addons page?

      Motion is impossible:
      If an archer fired an arrow at a target, it would have to travel halfway before reaching the target. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Thunderforge:
      **Forgive me for being impatient, jinx, but could I ask how long you think it will be till the updates see the light of the addons page?


      Thanks for being patient, work finally settled down and the exhibit opened on Saturday.
      The music files are now available. The Editor I'll have to check to see if it still works with the 1.0.4update, so hang in there.

      If you think I'm being mean, please tell me. I was actually going for NASTY!!

    • The unofficial pop-pop level editor is on the add-ons page.
      Thanks so much for all your patience.

      There are some levels made that were submitted, but they have no authorship, so I cannot release them. If you create levels with the editor and want to share them, please submit your name in the description, and follow all uploading guidelines. Thanks!

      If you think I'm being mean, please tell me. I was actually going for NASTY!!

    • Swell jinx! One of these days I throw on a bunch of my own levels in a compilation.

      Motion is impossible:
      If an archer fired an arrow at a target, it would have to travel halfway before reaching the target. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway. To reach that distance, the arrow would first need to travel halfway...