Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Welcome Back/Revival Cup Results

      8 15 1920

      The first tournament in a while went of beautifully; thanks to everyone for playing, especially HoNu, who had to get up pretty early (or else stay up late, who knows).

      Ryoko proved unstoppable, beating Lumisa out for the top spot (winning the final round with three straight clears!!) Hyko defeated Eno in the other third round match to take third place. Also participating were Lish, HoNu, me and Kirk. Fyrephin started the tournament, but wasn't able to stay for the whole thing, and SHOES and Texas Girl were there to look on, though not long enough to play.

      All in all it was quite a respectable showing, and it bodes well for a true revival of the tournament game!

      Here are the complete results:

            |                    |games  |games  |rounds  |rounds  |rounds  |
      Rank  |Playername          |won    |lost   |won     |lost    |diff    |
      1     |Ryoko               |      7|      0|      21|       2|      19|
      2     |Hyko                |      6|      1|      19|       9|      10|
      3     |lumisa              |      5|      2|      17|       9|       8|
      4     |Eno                 |      3|      4|      14|      14|       0|
      5     |Lish                |      3|      4|      13|      15|      -2|
      6     |HoNu                |      2|      5|       9|      16|      -7|
      7     |squibix             |      2|      5|       9|      16|      -7|
      8     |Kirk Blade          |      0|      7|       0|      21|     -21|
            |checksums           |     28|     28|     102|     102|       0|

      2nd Round:
      Ryoko def Eno , 3-2
      Lumisa def Hyko , 3-0

      3rd Round
      Hyko def Eno , 3-1
      Ryolo def Lumisa , 3-0

      Ryoko is the new champion!

      Thanks to everyone who participated, and I'll see you all at the next tournament! (where I promise to make a better showing, myself :D).

      '"What is civilisation?" asked Bridget. '"Ices," said Roger, "and all that sort of thing."'
      (url="http://"")squibix web(/url) /(url="http://"")dan(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Danny (edited 01-31-2004).)

    • Looks like I am the first to reply, so i would like to congratulate Ryoko for her first first place in a tourney and want to thank squibix for oranizing this great tournament. I was very happy to see many good old friends 🙂

      I enjoyed to play this tourney and I am looking forward to playing the next 🙂

      cu on the tracker!

      Have a look on the inofficial tourney-system: (url="http://"") 🙂

    • Congrats Ryoko, I could of guessed that you would win! 😃

    • congratulations ryoko!! it was amazing - she cleared within a few seconds! (which was good because i really had to go to my dinner...thanks to her i was only 10 minutes late 🙂 ) well played!
      and well played everyone else, it was really a lot of fun with a lot of exciting/tense games! just what i/we needed after such a long absence. i´m glad i decided to play 2 minutes before it started.
      see you maybe at the next one - or meanwhile on the tracker.

      danny/squibix thanks for hosting!!! it was the tournament with the least confusion/problems i´ve ever participated in.


    • ::listens to all the applause, before taking the microphone::
      Domo arigato minna: thank you all very much for playing, and letting me take part at such short notice. I really ought to start reading this board again so I do not find myself in the dark about Danny-san's organisation, or anyone else's for that matter. ^_^

      ::embarks on standard speech::
      I would love to thank Crono-kun for introducing me to this baka addiction. Also to James-san (not that he will ever read this) for letting me use his computer when Crono-kun wants to use his for work. ^~ Then there's mom and dad without whose continued support I.... ^^;;; Oops, wrong speech! o_O;
      uhhh... Hyko-san for his wonderful tournament system ::grins sheepishly:: and putting up with my blondness, and - mochiron - Danny-san's time and effort in organising it in the first place. ^^ I hope to be around - and better prepared - next time. ^^

    • Congratulations Ryoko! Sorry I had to leave early. A minor emergency developed here - I though I'd be back in time to play the rest but it turned out to take slightly longer than I expected. Sorry everyone - I hope I can play the next one in full. Talking of the next tournament... we should have another one soon don't you think? I'll offer to host if no-one else fancies doing it.

      May whatever (url="http://"")darkness(/url) you embrace, always bring you (url="http://"")enlightenment(/url)

    • Yes, another one on a Sunday this time. There would probably be a better turnout and then I would be there to beat. 😉

    • Great tourney! I only had time to watch the first round unfold. I was very disappointed not to be able to play, but it was great to see all the scores come in. 🙂

      Congratulations Ryoko on your title and a frighteningly good performance. Congratulations also to Eno and Hyko for being the only two people to win a round against Ryoko!


      we should have another one soon don't you think? I'll offer to host if no-one else fancies doing it.

      Yes I agree and on a Sunday would be good -or any time that Ryoko can't play! 😄

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      **...or any time that Ryoko can't play!:D

      If you play Mr. Man and pay CLOSE ATTENTION to her screen you can keep her from clearing, but not necessarily keep her from winning. I learned that from experience. 😃

      - Jesse

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      Congratulations also to Eno and Hyko for being the only two people to win a round against Ryoko!

      Especially Eno-san, who won two rounds in a row ::winks at Eno::
      I've just noticed that all three of us have very similar names. o_O;


      Originally posted by pepperjack:
      **If you play Mr. Man and pay CLOSE ATTENTION to her screen you can keep her from clearing, but not necessarily keep her from winning. I learned that from experience. 😃

      - Jesse**

      Mleh! Ź_Ź Were you not brought up to be kind to girls? ::switches to ultra posh colonial English accent:: I say, what? Deliberately trying to stop me from clearing is just not cricket, don'tch'a know?
      ::returns to normal::
      Actually, I need practice in longer games where I do not clear - my pressure-playing has gone rusty due to lack of exercise! ^_^;;

      Has anyone noticed a tendency in this version that if you are close to clearing - in other words you have only one or two bricks left - that if your opponent sends you a stream of bricks then they very frequently all just go up the left-hand column? Just a random finishing thought for the day...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ryoko:
      Were you not brought up to be kind to girls?

      I treat girls just fine! Take what I said as a compliment. I would of been honored to play the famous Ryoko in the tournament. 😃 Or to put it simply, be creamed by you and everyone else in the tournament. Maybe it would of been one of the few times that I won a round against you, but who knows.

    • 'grats Ryoko, what a surprise! 😉 And be nice to pepperjack!

      Well done to everyone else, especially Squibix for hosting. Sorry I couldn't make it as it looked fun, but I just have too much on at the moment to spare the time to be trashed, I mean to play.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:

      Yes I agree and on a Sunday would be good -or any time that Ryoko can't play! 😄

      Sunday's fine for me. What time is best for everyone? I'm on GMT time but can usually stretch to most times.

      May whatever (url="http://"")darkness(/url) you embrace, always bring you (url="http://"")enlightenment(/url)

      (This message has been edited by fyrephin (edited 02-02-2004).)

    • I think we usually had Sunday tournies at about 7/8 pm GMT. This makes it early afternoon for players in the US and not too late in the day for Euro players.

      I'd prefer 7pm GMT.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      I'd prefer 7pm GMT.

      What time is that Eastern Standard Time? I know, I need to pay better attention in Geography class. 😃