Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The best that could happen to pop-pop...

      11 11 1.7k

      is that the Windows version gets out asap ... let's just not hope its release will be not as much delayed as the Mac version (the wait was so long!).
      As soon as it is out, i'm sure there will be more activity on the tracker and will give Mac pop-poppers the will to play again.

      Anybody knows a rough idea when we can expect pop-pop for Windows out?

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • Later. <cryptic grin :)>

      Yet another meaningless post
      <(url="http://"")E(/url)(url="http://"")V(/url)(url="http://"")ula link(/url)>

    • When it's ready to ship - it will ship.

      We're still working on a few networking bugs that would prevent a release from being anything but annoying.

      If you think I'm being mean, please tell me. I was actually going for NASTY!!

    • Surely pop-pop becoming an Olympic sport would be the best thing? 🙂

    • (quote)Originally posted by SuperNova:
      **Later. <cryptic grin 😛

      Work. Play. Pork.
      ( (url="http://"")com(/url) | (url="http://"")org(/url) | (url="http://"")net(/url) | (url="http://"")ev-nova(/url) )

    • Heh. Too bad I'm one of those people who didn't register, I'd be getting a ton more opponents.

      Maniak hacks like

    • Everyone living in the same timezone would probably help
      Actually getting 1.0.3 up and out would do too.

    • Would we be able to play the PC people from our Macs? Some of my buddies I would just love to cream at this! I am guessing that it would be connected, but wasn't entirely sure. Sure would bring the life back to pop-pop. It's been years (literally) since I have had to scroll to see all the players. Also, has anyone seen Lish recently? Haven't seen him yet since I started back up again.

    • Happy New Year to everyone on this dead pop-pop web board! 🙂

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Party Person.:
      Happy New Year to everyone on this dead pop-pop web board!

      er...yeah! Happy New Year to you too!


      Originally posted by a.j.:
      Would we be able to play the PC people from our Macs?

      Yep, we will! In fact, you might have already. I think that there were some beta testers out there on the tracker who were running pop pop on windows machines a while ago.


      Originally posted by a.j.:
      Also, has anyone seen Lish recently? Haven't seen him yet since I started back up again.

      no...I haven't seen a lot of the old regulars...but that might be because of my schedule. Or they don't play anymore, for reasons of their own (that might be Lish's case, if i remember correctly)

      any way...get out on the tracker now!

      Subvert the dominant paradigm. :)™

    • This is sad, I just waited on the tracker for half and hour hoping for someone to play and there was NO ONE on the entire time. The other day I waited for an hour and a half while reading a book -- no one. Hurry Ambrosia, this game is dying, if it hasn't already. Bring on the Windows people, get the version out for them fast!