Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • This is sad...

      13 25 2129

      The lack of posts here is enough to make someone sick. Even more then that the lack of activity on the tracker is shameful, what with the windows version and everything. Pop-pop needs more attention, it is being overshadowed by WINEV:Nova what the heck.

      Oh well my pathetic excuse for a rant is over,

      I was wondering about parking at the Special Olympics, do they still just have the two spots near the front?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by The return of Neo:
      **The lack of posts here is enough to make someone sick. Even more then that the lack of activity on the tracker is shameful, what with the windows version and everything. Pop-pop needs more attention, it is being overshadowed by WINEV:Nova what the heck.

      Oh well my pathetic excuse for a rant is over,


      I used to try to revive things, but after an admin took a dump on me, I said screw it.

      (url="http://"") I am the fox, my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. Member of (url="http://"")fufybid(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by The return of Neo:
      The lack of posts here is enough to make someone sick...

      Neo, your location says it: 'the real world.' Unlike the more virulent Nova fanboys ( ;)) most folks who play pop-pop have real lives to deal with as well: jobs, spouses and children, drinking and whatnot. Sure, there are some problems with the scene that exist now--that I mentioned in my own (url="http://"")similar rant(/url) a couple weeks ago--but since then we've had a few quite successful tournaments, and there are more coming up, with real prizes no less! And you'll find, furthermore, that people are actually watching the webboard: try offering to host a tournament yourself, and see if anyone responds. We just don't really go for webstories and off-topic chatter, very much.

      And anklebiter, stop carping. 😄

    • (quote)Originally posted by Danny:
      **And anklebiter, stop carping.;)

      (url="http://"") I am the fox, my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **I know, I am evil like that;)


      And a Felon (which is kind of cool.)

      (url="http://"") I am the fox, my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you.

    • did that happen I wonder...???


    • Yeah why aren't you moderator anymore? andrew got pissed? 😉


    • That is a matter between anklebiter and Ambrosia.

      If you think I'm being mean, please tell me. I was actually going for NASTY!!

    • Ok. Anklebiter is gone. Is there anyone out there who replaced him?

      The pop-pop community is slowly dying now - there is never anyone online to play against anymore, there don't seem to be many pop-pop tournaments anymore (there hasn't been a proper pop-pop tournament for over a month now), and there aren't many people posting on these boards...

      What I'm saying is: why can't Ambrosia find someone who has the time and will to motivate the pop-pop community?? At least Anklebiter tried to do so....!!

      (This message has been edited by Helix20 (edited 08-19-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Helix20:
      **Ok. Anklebiter is gone. Is there anyone out there who replaced him?

      The pop-pop community is slowly dying now - there is never anyone online to play against anymore, there don't seem to be many pop-pop tournaments anymore (there hasn't been a proper pop-pop tournament for over a month now), and there aren't many people posting on these boards...

      What I'm saying is: why can't Ambrosia find someone who has the time and will to motivate the pop-pop community?? At least Anklebiter tried to do so....!!

      (This message has been edited by Helix20 (edited 08-19-2003).)**

      That's because games just don't stay current that long, plus it is partly the extended beta testing that has helped to ruin things. Most players use 1.0.2, but all the beta testers use 1.0.3 now to test that. Neither set can see each other in the tracker...

      Plus face it. Pop-pop is a game. That means you play it in your leisure time. Most of us just don't have that much, and certainly would rather be spending it doing non-computer related things when a lot of us spend our working lives behind the silver screen.

      Round summer, many people are on holiday too, which means fewer people in an already small community on the boards or playing. People do read the boards - look at the right hand viewing numbers - it's just that there is little reason to most most of the time.

      Pop-pop isn't a general discussion board - go visit the EV ones for those - there's no reason to make another.
      Pop-pop isn't a game full of difficult puzzles and plot twists - so nobody really asking for help. Let's face it - moving the paddle is fairly straightforward even for the most computer illiterate.
      Pop-pop isn't exciting, adventurous and full of violence and nudity - so it only appeals to a small fraction of today's gaming youth. Sad I know, but true.
      Pop-pop isn't purchasable by kids - because Ambrosia only take valid plastic that you have to be over 18 to get to. This is something that the internet generally suffers from the world over - there is still no decent back-end payment structure for anything. Everything boils down to owning a credit/debit card - and young Joe Bloggs can't spend his pocket money on a game because there's no way for him to do so.
      Pop-Pop has no online chat, or way of getting people to meet - the tracker is just there to sit in. Unfortunately, it also chews 10% of my CPU even when doing 'nothing' in the background except listening for connections - atrocious. It also forces me into thousands of colours - which can make doing anything serious (spend a bit of time doing graphics) a real problem.
      Pop-pop doesn't give enough incentive to sit in the lounge and wait for a game. I've waited for 5 hours sometimes (while doing work) and nobody has joined. Main problem here is the web-tracker. People just check it, see there's no-one there and then don't want to bother to load up and sit in an empty lounge.

      Finally, re anklebiter briefly - unfortunately he did far more to damage the community than he ever did good things for it. I'm not going to go into details, but I'm sure your capable of looking over past threads during 'the anklebiter incident' if you so care to. However, it is fair to say that, mainly because of him, a large section of the 'community' as you call it either stopped bothering to play anymore, or did not turn up as much or enjoy it as much as they did.

      'nuff said

      (Edited for outragous typos)

      (This message has been edited by Crono (edited 08-20-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Helix20:
      Ok. Anklebiter is gone. Is there anyone out there who replaced him?

      Not yet.

      (url="http://"")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"")Spells Expander(/url)
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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
      Not yet.

      It's not like this board needs a great deal of moderation at this point. 😄 I think jinx can handle it for the time being.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Danny:
      It's not like this board needs a great deal of moderation at this point.:D I think jinx can handle it for the time being.

      Yes, it's not a great load on anyone's time 😉

      Thanks Jinx for ++ 🙂


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Danny:
      It's not like this board needs a great deal of moderation at this point. I think jinx can handle it for the time being.

      Heh, did someone take out Number279 when we weren't looking? 😉

      (url="http://"")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"")Spells Expander(/url)
      (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url) | (url="http://"")PoG Upcoming Plug-Ins Directory(/url)

    • Well, tonight I was back on the tracker after at least 8-9 months of total absence (I was there from day1 and even initiated the first ever pop-pop tourney! Yup!) ...
      In 5 minutes I saw two other players on the tracker, which was OK (one DEMO and one REGISTERED) but:

      1. Against the Demo player my paddle was simply stuck - could not move it all. Only my special power was working!) ...

      2. After quitting & restarting pop-pop, a registered player joined in but the problem was reverse ... I could normally play but he could not move his paddle!

      First time I notice that, only thing that happened during my 9 months absence is a new iMac (1Ghz vs 333Mhz before) but this (bug) is not good.

      Allez, I'll go and try again.

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • (quote)Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
      **Heh, did someone take out Number279 when we weren't looking?;)

      'Come on down to discount alligator. Have we got a deal for you.'
      (url="http://"")squibix web(/url)

    • Try the web board for Uplink, it is f-ing ridiculous the number of people there.
      Instead of 3-6 topics, there is a screen-full.
      I'm not trying to brag or anything, just attempting to help you all find a new place.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Klepsacovic:
      **Try the web board for Uplink, it is f-ing ridiculous the number of people there.
      Instead of 3-6 topics, there is a screen-full.
      I'm not trying to brag or anything, just attempting to help you all find a new place.


      I'd be interested in knowing why you think we need to find a new place. Actually that's a rhetorical question.
      The activity on the Uplink board is fine - it is a game with many puzzles, and some people need help with them.

      Pop pop users don't need to post here for help with the puzzles, and pop pop is not a game with many layers - rather it is one of skill, and eye/hand coordination.

      'Nuff said.

      (This message has been edited by jinx (edited 08-27-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Klepsacovic:
      I'm not trying to brag or anything, just attempting to help you all find a new place.

      A new place? Um... we don't come to this board for general conversation, we come to talk about pop-pop. And the reason there isn't much activity right now is entirely natural: people are thinking about other things at the moment.

      And anyways, if you're looking for a board with 'activity,' why pick the Uplink one? It's all about boring old uplink: who wants that?! For real fun, check out the B&B;! 😉

      'Come on down to discount alligator. Have we got a deal for you.'
      (url="http://"")squibix web(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Danny:
      **A new place? Um... we don't come to this board for general conversation, we come to talk about pop-pop. And the reason there isn't much activity right now is entirely natural: people are thinking about other things at the moment.

      And anyways, if you're looking for a board with 'activity,' why pick the Uplink one? It's all about boring old uplink: who wants that?! For real fun, check out the B&B;! 😉


      Yes, I'm equally confused- here is fine for what we talk about. The reason there aren't any general discussion boards here is because there are so many others - e.g. the B&B; board, and many others. I've already said this countless times though. 😕

      We had some more random discussion threads back a while ago, but they died out - easier just to go where there are lots of people for them. We talk enough during/after games anyway 🙂
