OK - since I'm finally registered now, I think I'm also entitled to a wish list (in order of importance - the first being the most important)
1. The pop-pop Network Lounge definitely DEFINITELY needs a chatroom. This is one of the most basic things that all network games have. Why doesn't pop-pop already have this feature? Think about it - it would make tournaments so much easier to do.
2. The computer players need to be a lot better. I know that the PC version of pop-pop will be out soon and there will be a lot more people on the tracker (where I will probably find people to play against who are better than the computer), but when I'm travelling with my brother's iBook, I don't always have access to the internet.
3. Better graphics. I would love to be able to play pop-pop at a resolution of 1024x768. That would just be sweet. I also would like to see better water effects too. I don't know what the frame rate of the game is like on other computers (with water effects switched on), but on my computer, it's dog slow (about 30 fps). pop-pop is one of those fast and frantic games that really needs to be played with a frame rate of at least 60 fps (just play 2 mins into a round in expert mode and you'll see what I mean....)
Couldn't the newer graphics cards nowdays handle lush, smooth, clear, pixel-perfect graphics at a high resolution? As it stands, I don't like the water effects. They also look blocky too.....
4. pop-pop should have a seperate setting for the brick animations. It would be really cool if I could maybe have the brick animations on and the water effects off (if you know what I mean).
5. Make the pop-pop tournaments a bit more official. I would love the whole tournament thing to be run through Ambrosia Software. Who knows, maybe you could offer prizes to the winner too....
6. Release an official level editor to create custom levels for pop-pop.
Thanks for listening.