Originally posted by HoNu:
**Of course this isnt a bug report, more of a wish,, but I think itll be cool to increase the difficulty of the computer poppoppers ... I can beat the computer on expert all the time, but I still cant seem to beat players like Crono or Lumisa,,, etc... Living in Hawaii makes it hard to play all the time on the tracker, making the difficulty level of the compuer, would help all of us get better I think,,,,, maybe programmers could study the style of someone like Crono or Lumisa, and make the computer likenened to their skill... perhaps,,,,
I guess you could do a bit of real machine learning there. Some sort of Baysean or re-enforcement learning or what have you. If you got the AI to watch all the net games that were played too, it could be trained up fairly quickly - after all, pop-pop doesn't have too large a state space I'd guess, and for the most part, you could assume a mirror image down the centre to make it smaller 
The idea of a computerised me or lumisa is not terribly appealing though - you'd get too good at beating us, and we'd be playing ourselves! 
Actually, made me think of something daft to try along the lines of blindfolded and/or drunken pop-pop: get two mice and play against yourself for real!
Now that would be interesting.
Not entirely sure it would be of any use - but who knows?