Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • pop-pop article for The Ambrosia Times

      3 5 1186

      I'd like to get some feedback from all of the "top players" who play pop-pop on a regular basis for an article in The Ambrosia Times. I'm planning to have a general gameplay tips section, and then I'd like to have a section for each player, giving their own hints/tips/techniques.

      If you'd like to participate, please send me an email to (don't post it here) with the following information:

      1. pop name: (the name you use in pop-pop)

      2. how long you've been playing pop-pop

      3. your favorite pop to use, and why

      4. your hints/tips/techniques. Perhaps try to focus on something that is unique to your style of play

      thanks in advance!

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • Shoes, Ryoko, HyNo, Luminsa, this means you!!! 🙂

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • If they won't step up and give their strategies can I? I haven't played much, but I am a fairly good blindfold pop-pop player. Surely strategies on blindfold pop-pop would spice things up.

      Clones are people two.
      If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
      Play a network game of pop-pop before nobody plays and interest goes pop-pop!

      (This message has been edited by Thunderforge (edited 04-24-2003).)

    • (quote)Originally posted by andrew:
      **Shoes, Ryoko, HyNo, Luminsa, this means you!!!:) )


    • (quote)Originally posted by andrew:
      **Shoes, Ryoko, HyNo, Luminsa, this means you!!!;)


      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-25-2003).)