Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Strategies and tactics

      8 19 1.6k

      You might shoot me down for reccomending this, since Ive just joined the forum yesterday: ) But I think it would be great to have this thread to be a place for newbies and veterans alike to share different tactics and strategies they use in their play,,,, like the other day,,, I think it was crono I was playing,,, at the end he gave me some pointers that made my game SO much better.., I think this would be awesome,, I think itll raise the level of play in the tracker,, and give all you untouchable pros a little more competition. Feel free to disagree, or if there is already such a thread, please point me in the right direction


    • I agree, hopefully someone will start something up or link to something.

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust! False politeness? Comes with the job.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      I agree, hopefully someone will start something up or link to something.

      My own tips section is (url="http://"")here(/url)*; I wrote those things a while ago and I'm not quite sure I still agree with all of them--the last bullet point especialy might need ammendment. Someday I'll redo and reorganize the page. But still there might be something useful there. Also check out 'pop-pop: the missing manual' if you can find it (I was going to link to it but it seems to have gone, at least for the moment). It also is a bit out-of-date, but still offers some good useful tips.

      And welcome to the boards!

      (* and oh yeah, if you're using Safari go to the (url="http://"")main page(/url) first and get the Safari-specific stylesheet: otherwise you won't be able to scroll down. If the next version of Safari isn't fixed I'll work on coming up with a more elagant solution. ;))

      'When ambiguity is outlawed, only outlaws will be ambiguous.'
      (url="http://"")Squibix Web(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Danny (edited 04-07-2003).)

    • It is always good to see new players, especially when they turn into tough players. The good thing about pop-pop is you can get quite good quickly. My overall advice would be skip easy, normal and hard. Jump straight to expert and get stuck in!

      Oh and in a few months, if you are still playing, don't waste your time wondering what the best style of play or pop character is. I have been playing for yonks and I am still not sure! (Although it is arguably one of two characters.) (Or possibly three... 🙂 )


    • Hey it is great to see newbies interested in getting are some topics from a while ago that have some usefull tips and stratagies...there's more if you use the search feature! 😉

      (url="http://"")Here(/url) are some various stratagies...might be outdated, but probally still work. 😉

      (url="http://"")These(/url) are some old tips and such...

      Hope you read up, practice (SHOES is right: use expert!) and beat me on the tracker soon!


    • Thanks everyone!!! : ) All the links have been helpful thus far. My only problem now is that When I am up,,,here in Hawaii,,, you guys are all sleeping,, so its hard to find anyone who wants to play : (


    • Quote

      Originally posted by HoNu:
      **Thanks everyone!!! : ) All the links have been helpful thus far. My only problem now is that When I am up,,,here in Hawaii,,, you guys are all sleeping,, so its hard to find anyone who wants to play : (


      We have people all over the globe playing from America, to Australia, and throughout Europe. Surely some of the times link up with where you are in Hawaii. 🙂

      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Oliver Wendell Holmes
      (url="http://"")Slagblah's EVN Guide(/url)| (url="http://";=pop-pop+web+board&number;=67")Pop-Pop Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")Download Pop-Pop!(/url)

    • since so many links have been posted now, all i can recommend to every newbie is: come to the tracker and play some "training-games" against me (or every other good player, of course) - since i got good at pop-pop by going to hykos and shoes "trainings-camp" i think playing someone who is better than you is just the best you can do. (even though it needs nerves of steel and the ability to stand a lot of anguish: i lost about 10000 times before i won ONE game....-but from my point of view: after really getting used to losing you will enjoy winning eventually even more, "ne" shoes, hyko? :))
      this invitation counts for all newbies who
      1. do not host M+
      2. won´t quit playing without any comment in the middle of the game
      3. won´t curse at me afterwards 🙂

      see you there


      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-08-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      **since so many links have been posted now, all i can recommend to every newbie is: come to the tracker and play some "training-games" against me (or every other good player, of course) - since i got good at pop-pop by going to hykos and shoes "trainings-camp" i think playing someone who is better than you is just the best you can do. (even though it needs nerves of steel and the ability to stand a lot of anguish: i lost about 10000 times before i won ONE game....-but from my point of view: after really getting used to losing you will enjoy winning eventually even more, "ne" shoes, hyko?:) )
      this invitation counts for all newbies who
      1. do not host M+
      2. won´t quit playing without any comment in the middle of the game
      3. won´t curse at me afterwards 🙂

      see you there


      Lumisa, you've started using apostrophes!

      I agree that the there is no substitute for lots and lots of practice. Always play on expert 🙂 Oh, and whatever your lucky charm is to keep the v-locks away 😉

      Something to add though:
      If you're playing someone obviously not as good as you, grab all the power-downs as well! I know that sounds crazy, but if you can play fast with a tiny v-locked paddle, you will find it that much easier without too. It is also nicer for the newbie if you don't kick his/her backside quite so quickly as you would if you were playing properly. 😉

      Was thinking of writing up a proper 'strategies' page at one point, but Squibix already has the startings of one. Will see how things go 🙂 I suppose there's no rule to say there can only be one page.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      **Lumisa, you've started using apostrophes!

      oops - that must have been an an acute attack of energy! 🙂


      Originally posted by Crono:
      **Something to add though:
      If you're playing someone obviously not as good as you, grab all the power-downs as well! I know that sounds crazy, but if you can play fast with a tiny v-locked paddle, you will find it that much easier without too. It is also nicer for the newbie if you don't kick his/her backside quite so quickly as you would if you were playing properly. 😉

      i wouldn´t have wanted hyko to do that - i don´t know if he ever did, it didn´t feel like it at least...(?). i remember shoes once not using any bombs - i was sooo insulted!! 🙂 (of course he won anyways...)
      but, okay, i´ll try that in our next games, crono. 😉
      (for those who don´t know - i lost most of the last games against crono...)

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-09-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      i wouldn´t have wanted hyko to do that - i don´t know if he ever did, it didn´t feel like it at least...(?). i remember shoes once not using any bombs - i was sooo insulted!!:) (of course he won anyways...)
      but, okay, i´ll try that in our next games, crono. 😉

      lol, actually - the idea of doing that was that it isn't obvious to your opponant that you are doing it!


      Originally posted by lumisa:
      (for those who don´t know - i lost most of the last games against crono...)

      I didn't know that! Are you sure you aren't forgetting something somewhere? From just looking at Shoes's scores site, it is weird that you seem to be able to beat him quite frequently at the moment, and yet although we are pretty level in our scores, I just keep getting trashed by him. With the notable exception of the last tournament 😉 No idea what happened there, but (ye gods!) keep it going! :-))

      (This message has been edited by Crono (edited 04-09-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      Was thinking of writing up a proper 'strategies' page at one point, but Squibix already has the startings of one. Will see how things go 🙂 I suppose there's no rule to say there can only be one page.

      Indeed not! You definitely should make one: not only is mine poorly written and poorly formatted, but you're a better player than I am so you must have better strategies! And I'd sure like to read them. Let me know when you write it so I can link to it. 😄

      (And speaking of that, there's a place on the main pop-pop site for '(url="http://"")web links(/url), and there's a severe shortage of links there. Anyone who's made a pop-pop site should go submit it, so curious visitors will have an easier time finding the various resources that are available.)

      'When ambiguity is outlawed, only outlaws will be ambiguous.'
      (url="http://"")Squibix Web(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      lol, actually - the idea of doing that was that it isn't obvious to your opponant that you are doing it!

      🙂 are you sure it is a good idea to post it on the board then?



      i apologize for my thoughtless joke (it wasn´t more than that).


      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-09-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by lumisa (edited 04-09-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by lumisa:
      oh - by the way: management doesn´t like the idea of two different pages on that subject - people should do management a favor and put everything on one page, because management can´t be bothered with two pages. if people don´t do what management asks for, management will decide on which one of the two sites management will close down.;)


      Do me a favor, take your insults elsewhere. That statement was totally uncalled for. This is your warning, knock it off.

      (This message has been edited by anklebiter (edited 04-09-2003).)

    • First class entertainment.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by SHOES:
      **First class entertainment.


      Better believe it.

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust! False politeness? Comes with the job.

    • <snip>

      I apologize for any personal imprecations that may have escaped my lips... er, fingers... and I really hope that we can all work to get along reasonably well.

      (This message has been edited by Danny (edited 04-09-2003).)

    • Okay Danny, I will try reason, lets see where this goes.

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust! False politeness? Comes with the job.

    • it was thoughtless and it´s gone.
