Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • pop-pop Bugs Topic (Post bug reports here)

      9 19 1.5k


      There seems to be many bugs floating around in pop-pop, so this topic is dedicated to getting a list of them all, and maybe we can see about getting some of them fixed. Please put the word BUG: infront of every bug listing. And I will kick it off:


      BUG: There is a bug with paddle speeds. On my old beige G3 you could slow the paddle a crawl with a flower attack. Now on my Dual 867mhz PowerMac G4, the paddle moves too fast for me to be able to play reasonably.

      That is honestly why I don't play anymore, I get frustrated at constantly loosing because I can't aim for the damn ball! (Either that or offer paddle speeds as an option!)

      With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. (url="http://"")anklebiter's web cam(/url)

      (This message has been edited by anklebiter (edited 03-19-2003).)

    • BUG: if you selct the "Frames per minute" option, the bottom of the screen is cut off. Most noticable in Puzzle mode.

      You cannot read this. Nothing has been written here. Your mind is now mine. Click on these links for inspirational images.

      Download pop-pop!


    • I don't know if this could be considered a bug; but the online capabilities of the game seem very restricted by the fact that there is no chat on the Pop-Tracker. I think if there was a place where people could gather and talk while waiting for games there would be a much more active Pop-Pop Online Community.

      Personally I don't want to just stare at a screen waiting. If I could talk to the people online about what type of game we should set up, or simple trash talk, or after the match you could talk about what happened, it would make pop-pop much more enjoyable.

      That's not even mentioning how much easier tournaments and organized events would be. Of course, I realize that this is easier said than done, because Ambrosia does have other projects; but if by implementing this feature you got more people playing pop-pop and thus more registrations, it could wind up being worth the effort needed to do this.

      "The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher." -Thomas Henry Huxley

      (This message has been edited by Number279 (edited 02-22-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Number279:
      **I don't know if this could be considered a bug; but the online capabilities of the game seem very restricted by the fact that there is no chat on the Pop-Tracker. I think if there was a place where people could gather and talk while waiting for games there would be a much more active Pop-Pop Online Community.

      Personally I don't want to just stare at a screen waiting. If I could talk to the people online about what type of game we should set up, or simple trash talk, or after the match you could talk about what happened, it would make pop-pop much more enjoyable.

      That's not even mentioning how much easier tournaments and organized events would be. Of course, I realize that this is easier said than done, because Ambrosia does have other projects; but if by implementing this feature you got more people playing pop-pop and thus more registrations, it could wind up being worth the effort needed to do this.


      I was also thinking that this would be a needed addition. Perhaps you could select someone's name on the list of who is in the lounge (on the right side of the screen) and then double click thier name or click on a button labeled "Chat" to bring up a small window that would still let you see what games were open. This would certainly make tournaments easier.

      Also, there seems to be a strange bug that causes a registered player's computer to crash occasionally when they player against DEMO players. This will need to get fixed soon if tournaments are going to be common.

      Clones are people two.
      If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
      Play a network game of pop-pop before nobody plays and interest goes pop-pop!

    • I am still looking for bugs ect.. Thank you!

      With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. (url="http://"")anklebiter's web cam(/url) (url="http://"") 1000th post (/url)

    • BUG: I´m not sure, but I have the impression that in the new version, sometimes the ball doesn´t react the way it´s supposed to be. I catch the ball, also have the magnet activated to be on the secure side, but instead of bouncing up again, the ball seems to roll of the paddle. Very annoying that is and it happens very often to me. The ball reacts a bit as if the opponent would be using Zap, but he isn´t :frown:
      BUG: Another bug is when you had the game paused and the ball was relativly close approching the paddle sometimes the ball goes right through the middle of the paddle when you go on playing. Obviously that doesn´t happen that often, but once is more then enough


    • Quote

      Originally posted by mikrisa:
      **BUG: Another bug is when you had the game paused and the ball was relativly close approching the paddle sometimes the ball goes right through the middle of the paddle when you go on playing. Obviously that doesn´t happen that often, but once is more then enough


      I've had that happen, but I always thought that it was just reacting to my mouse, which is a bit overactive(I like that).

      If everyone wins, no one is happy.

      Download pop-pop!


    • I am adding one: Release the level editor for pop-pop

      With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. (url="http://"")anklebiter's web cam(/url) (url="http://"") 1000th post (/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by anklebiter:
      **I am adding one: Release the level editor for pop-pop


      I'm sure it's not a pretty sight. 🙂 Editors that weren't designed to be released are usually very hard to use. Ferazel's Wand's editor is a good example. There is(url="http://"")this(/url) however. Never tried it and it's not what Ambrosia used.

      I also have a "bug": On a 1 Ghz Powerboook everything seems really jagged. Is this because of the resolution? It would be nice if Pop-Pop supported widescreen resolutions like WarCraft III. I don't like thise black bars. 🙂

      (url="http://"")Darkstorm Productions: (/url). Home of Ferazel's Wand: Orthographic Universe, MacBrickout: Pandemonium, and StarCraft-Battlefield: Sol | (url="http://"")Help Bring StarEdit, StarCraft's editor, to Mac OS X!(/url)
      "The box said Windows 95 or better, so I bought a mac."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by cat99:
      **I'm sure it's not a pretty sight.:) Editors that weren't designed to be released are usually very hard to use. Ferazel's Wand's editor is a good example. There isthis however. Never tried it and it's not what Ambrosia used.

      It's no longer available for download, according to the site. Does anyone else know where it might be available?

      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Oliver Wendell Holmes
      (url="http://"")Slagblah's EVN Guide(/url)

    • Please add any more bugs you may have.

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")web cam(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Number279:
      **It's no longer available for download, according to the site. Does anyone else know where it might be available?



      Clones are people two.
      If UPS and Fed-Ex merged, would they be Fed-Up?
      Play a network game of pop-pop before nobody plays and interest goes pop-pop!

    • Bug: in my experience it still messes with the windows of background applications when switching from full screen to windowed mode, even though I think this was one of the things that was said to have been fixed.

      Other than that I would just really like it if they could let it run in millions of colours - it's one of the only things I open that needs to change depth, and it messes with antialiasing everywhere else.

    • BUG: Pop-pop often decides (after context switching out and back in) that it doesn't want to recognise my mouse any more. It seems fairly random as to when it does decide this, though IE tends to make it lose the mouse more often. Maybe I just tend to switch to IE more.
      BUG: It is possible to pull the ball through the paddle with the magnet
      BUG: It is still possible to throw a ball (green or otherwise) through the bottom level of bricks without bursting them
      BUG: Pop-pop frequently destroys the menu-bar of whatever program was front-most at the time it loaded
      BUG: Sometimes the ball vanishes and re-appears half way up the screen, usually travelling almost horizontally
      BUG: power-ups/downs sometimes seem to 'appear' in the paddle area without having dropped from above.
      BUG: connections to some computers in the tracker crash pop-pop - especially DEMO players, or if you get several incoming connections at once.
      BUG: you can die if your opponent sends you bricks as you drop the ball - because the positions of the bricks are pre-calculated before they appear. Bricks then appear 'below' the line, which sucks
      BUG (corrolary): Because of this pre-calculation, bricks often appear in the middle of the air, because or in a group with a whole in the middle, becayse you've broken some before they've 'got there visibly'
      BUG (corrolary): And as a result, the ball can suddenly change direction from hitting invisible bricks in the middle of the air.
      BUG (corrolary): And you can even die because a brick that should have risen higher does not, and actually comes up 'below the line' again. This is stupid, and infuriating - the game stops, and I have to watch a load of bricks pile up, none of which actually are below. It just thinks they are.

      and more... but I'm bored now,

    • Thank you Crono

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")web cam(/url)

    • Anything else? Is this all we may ever want in pop-pop?

      anklebiter tosses topic to top of web board

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Crono:
      **Because of this pre-calculation, bricks often appear in the middle of the air, because or in a group with a whole in the middle, becayse you've broken some before they've 'got there visibly'

      I don't think that's a bug. Just an annoying part. ALso, your computer may be delaying the old is your computer?

      "A wise Elbonian once said 'In a race between a rock and a pig, never varnish your clams'"
      "That's stupid"
      "What type of diplomat are you?"
      "It's my first day, gimme a break!"-Dilbert

    • BUG: When you start pop-pop it will raise your volume by 2 dots if your using soundsticks very annoying if your listening to music

      Vad vĺldet mĺ skapa är vanskligt och kort, det dör som en stormvind i öknen bort - Esaias Tegnér
      (url="http://"")The ASW members' unofficial War3 Exp screenshot gallery(/url), hosted by Me

    • It looks like Ambrosia is looking for any other bugs, so now is certainly the time!

      I am the fox, let my talk will thrill you, when you get to know me, my smile will chill you. With a name like anklebiter, just what did you expect? (url="http://"")The ankle cam!(/url) Out of 33 moderators, I ranked the lowest in overall ranking, temperament and trust!