Okay, Dont laff at me here, The level two after "make way" right, with that sick arse battleship, i just registered the game last week and now i'm stuck. Anyone got any tips?
"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-
Okay, Dont laff at me here, The level two after "make way" right, with that sick arse battleship, i just registered the game last week and now i'm stuck. Anyone got any tips?
"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-
If you mean level 15 you could use codes. Or mess w/ the preferences to open all the levels
It's rather simple, actually. The level is titled "Captivating", and the chapter is 14. Select a tractor moor and immediately send all your ships to it. Blow away all the tractor moors until the Battleship is free. Run away. Build up your forces, and the rest is pretty elementary. If you have any more specific problems, let me know.
This post has been edited by Aithon : 04 January 2007 - 06:01 PM
By the way, anyone who can't get through the game without cheating doesn't deserve to play ANY Ambrosia game. I didn't even hear about the cheat codes until I had played each of the levels a couple dozen times.
So for all those lame-ass SOBs out there who come cryin' home to their mama when they can't beat a level without CHEATING, YOU'RE SCUM! YOU SUCK! WE DON'T NEED YOUR STINK! BUY A PC, HANG WITH THOSE INTEL BITCHES WHERE YOU BELONG!
Yeah, Aiathon's got it in one, i dont wanna cheat,Shove it where the sun dont shine with your cheats man. Thanks for the tips Aiathon, i'll see if it works.
"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-
I actually prefer to go commando-style on the tractor moors, just go in with a lone cruiser and bash them up. Saves you some casualties, if you're willing to wait and have sufficient piloting skillz.
Pax - Drew Harry
(url="http://"http://www.axis.n3.net/")Ares Axis - axis.n3.net(/url)
"...they say that every five minutes someone dies in a car accident, but how often are there seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses in one hangar?" - Terminal 2, Where are monsters in dreams, Marathon Infinity
I just get the moors with a single carrier, using the missiles to stay out of the border drone's range.
Pax wrote:
**I actually prefer to go commando-style on the tractor moors, just go in with a lone cruiser and bash them up. Saves you some casualties, if you're willing to wait and have sufficient piloting skillz.
This is what I do. Then when the battleship is free, I use it to toast the little border drone. It's not too tough, and you can babysit the planet while doing this.
I beat the entire game without cheating. Cheating bites. If you can't finish the game without cheating, you are a fool. And yeah, some levels are tougher. That's what the board is for.
save yourself the pain,
you'll never get there.
-Radiohead, "Lewis (Mistreated.)"
Cool. Thanks guys, it was a snap, using Aiathons method. Before i posted here, i tried going commando with the heavy cruiser but i died alot. Rrrrriight, any tips on the one 3 after make way? ARRRRGHHH DAMN THE AUEDEMNOOMAN or whatever there called.
"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-
Good question. For me, this was a particularly frustrating level, especially since I gloriously slaughtered myself and a rather large Ishiman fleet at least 20 times before figuring out what to do: Use a loophole.
If you watch the sequence of events in that level, you'll notice that the three bigass carriers don't come out of hyperspace UNTIL you attack the station. Solution? Don't attack the station. Go straight for the planet. Okay, so everything's peachy, right? You defeat the forces on the planet, and you've got a transport on the way, right? Okay?
NO, not okay. Unless you're extremely familliar with the game, you won't know that that transport you've just built is going to fly right into that station that you decided to not attack, which will chew it up and spit it out. I would recommend transferring control for that short period in the flight where the transport is in danger, steering around the station, and then setting it back on automatic pilot for the home planet.
So NOW everything's okay, right? Right?
NO, not okay. How are you going to beat other levels in the future?
Well, first it takes patience. If at first you don't succeed, try try again. It looks like you've got that down. BUT, don't beat your head against the wall. If you almost drive yourself to tears, vary your tactics. Try going for something new. Ask yourself: What other ways can I play this level? For instance, with this level: What am I doing? I'm attacking the station first. What else can I do? I can sit here and build up my forces and THEN attack the station. Does that work? No. Okay, what if I just don't attack the station AT ALL? Hmm... seems to work!
THIS is another beautiful thing about Ares. The strategy is so intracate (sp?), it's really quite delicious.
This post has been edited by Aithon : 04 January 2007 - 06:01 PM
Gee!! I had problems with Captivating too, but after a few try I got the Big Idea: I first blasted off those pesky little enemy carriers and then used the carrier to destroy the moors and voÃla battleship. Then I just destroyed the border drone and sent all my ships+transport to Gamma and there I was.
If someone needs cheat codes to win they must be quite a)bad strategists b)stupid c)wimpy d)all of the fore mentioned. Or just too blind to see the easiest and fastest way to win. (took me 8min. to capture gamma).
By the way, is anyone interested to enlighten me by playing a network game(s) with me. I´m still unenlightened by the virtue of network games. Time borders are a problem though. When it´s midnight at US east coast it´s 7am here, and with Australia it´s just the opposite. England though is only 2 hours after Finnish time. If interested, mail me to taro@fimug.fi
I NEED HERA SOON!!! I´M DYING HERE!!!! GASP I NEED HERA!!!!! I´m fine now. But gasp I I I´m not fine nurse oxygen please Psssihhh thanks. Well anyway back to Ares to kill some more time.
Hmm I was just about to delete those last few phrases, but I thought that I used pretty much energy to write them so I´ll not use anymore energy by deleting ´em. :rolleyes:
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my
I used the lone HVCruiser method for captivating. For the Aud/Sal level, I stormed them right away. I think I engaged the battlestation, but the carriers never came (?)
I am not one to attack prematurely in general. I prefer to attack slowly, taking one defense after another until there's basically nothing left they can defend with. For example, level 20. I probably took 3x the par on time, but 1/4 the losses and 3x the kills. Therefore I'm a little above par on points.
Once caalaklael, now Pallas Athene
Athena, daughter and favorite of Zeus, half sister of Ares, goddess of wisdom and war
I don't get why Dr Tall said to cheat for 15? It's a snap. You just take the middle station and send some ships to guard it. You Never see the carriers Because the station just waists them. No transports appeared ( even invissible ones, now thats weird) And i made a good Prophet. Sorry bout that, couldn't help myself.
"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-
Well I´ve noticed that in The Left Hand the station is the trigger for the carriers (if U get too close with a ship U are controlling, the trigger is set).
I usually just stay away from the station using only missiles and fullerenes to disable it and then I just go to Beta and babysit it until the transport arrives. A snap level indeed.
But sometimes in levels against Cantharans they make stupid things, like change the ships course when the ship is just about to arrive to alpha and then sometimes they´ve just sent all their ships to beta when I´m attacking gamma (in Captivating) and vice versa. Stupid things those Cantharans (or the AI for cantharan ships for that matter).
Well playing it the thousandth time might make it easier, but still.
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my