Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Pop-Pop Tournament: 10th November

      9 18 225

      (((---EDITED---) - Couple of new rules added....

      Pop-Pop Tournament
      Date: Sunday, 10th November
      Start: 19:00 GMT, 20:00 CET, 14:00 ET (USA)
      E-mail Scores to:

      As you may have already heard, the next Pop-Pop tounament will take place on Sunday 10th November. The tournament will kick off at 19:00 GMT (which is 20:00 Central European Time, or 14:00 Eastern Time (USA)). Everybody is welcome (including DEMO players), and if you'd like to participate, send a short reply to this topic, so I can get an idea how many people will be coming.

      The rules and guidelines:

      1. Please be on the tracker around 10 minutes before the tournament starts.

      2. Put 2 stars (**) infront your player nickname to let everyone know that you're playing in the tournament.

      3. Always keep a piece of paper and pencil next to your computer, so you can write down the scores after each game.

      4. Every player must play each other in the tournament once.

      5. The game settings must be set to 3 rounds, in expert mode. No handicaps.

      6. After the game, write down the score, and write down who won/lost the game (e.g. Win - Me 3, You 1).

      7. Once you've played all of your games and written down the scores, please e-mail them to me:

      8. In order to save time, please keep chatting (to other players in the tournament) to a minimum.

      9. To be absolutely sure that there is no cheating going on, NO custom levels (if you have installed any) will be allowed (To uninstall any custom levels just drag them into the trash - they can be found in the folder Pop-Pop/data/levels/put your levels here.

      10. In the event of your game disconnecting during play, the number of rounds in that game that any player had won in that match still stands when you reconnect. (for example, if you were winning by 2 rounds when the disconnect happened, you only have to win 1 more round when you reconnect to continue the game...)

      11. Please do not disconnect/drop out of the tournament before playing all other players in the tournament. Any player that does so will be automatically disqualified. This is both annoying and frustrating for the people who are playing in the tournament.

      12. The results of the tournament will be posted here on the Ambrosia Webboard once everyone has sent in their scores.

      13. Have fun, and see you there!!


      (This message has been edited by Helix20 (edited 11-09-2002).)

    • Great - I try to be in but the timing is difficult for European players (8pm). I'd rather like to be held one hour later (9pm CET).

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • Why do you think that the timing is difficult for european players? I think that the timing is fine....does anyone else think that I should push the tournament back by one hour?




    • I would think most European are 'at table' between 7pm - 9pm.
      BTW, forgot I will travel to Germany on Sunday, so I won't make it :frown:

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • Oh...that's a shame....there's always next time...


    • I would like to be in the tourney. My pop-pop screenname is demo willytherat.

      Those who have experienced love have experienced hate. How strange it is that that does not work the other way.

    • Ok, see you there! 🙂


    • Yes, you can count me in.

      The Larch... The Larch...

    • Ill be there too
      Nicknam'z 'ceddo'
      Is it at 6:00PM ON SUNDAY THE 10TH OF OCTOBER?


    • No, France is in the CET Zone - it's starting at 20:00 (that's 8:00 PM)!!!



    • Hmmmm, I might be in

      Oh i'm not addicted, it's a hobby -Me
      The only time I ever find myself praying, is when my sports team is losing -Me
      (url="http://"")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)

    • I'll be there. My name is Demo FFfanatic. Umm.. what version of Pop-pop is being used? is it the beta or just the regular one?

      What stands before us
      today is a meer foreshadow
      of tommorow, fight hard or
      die trying.

    • I just found out that I can't go. pooh.

      ah, well, how bout a big tourny every other week or something?

      Those who have experienced love have experienced hate. How strange it is that that does not work the other way.

    • The regular version of pop-pop (version 1.0.1) will be used for the tournament.


    • I'm back on the board but don't seeem to be able to get into the network lounge with this new powerbook, if can get it working I'll be there - howdy to the gang old and new.


      Originally posted by Helix20:
      Pop-Pop Tournament
      Date: Sunday, 10th November
      Start: 19:00 GMT, 20:00 CET, 14:00 ET (USA)
      E-mail Scores to:


    • Only 2 hours to go now! 🙂


    • I'm in

    • Ok people, it's time to get on the tracker! The tournament is just about to start....
