Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Tournament Results

      10 12 259

      Thanks to all players that were present in the tournament. It was nice. Here are the final results:
      Matches against Zamnx, Temper and Gert not taken into consideration as they did not play everybody.

      1. Mr. Shoes (W:6, L:1 - Rounds Difference: +16)
      2. Daphne (W:6, L:1 - Rounds Difference: +10)
      3. Zack (W:5, L:2 - Rounds Difference: +10)
      4. :)tm (W:5, L:2 - Rounds Difference: +8)
      5. Themage (W:3, L:4 - Rounds Difference: 0)
      6. MSXgames (W:2, L:5 - Rounds Difference: -11)
      7. Silence (W:1, L:6 - Rounds Difference: -13)
      8. Monty (W:0, L:7 - Rounds Difference: -20)
      9. Zamzx - did only play 5 games
      10. Temper - did only play 2 games
      11. Gert - did only play 2 games

      Detailed results, match by match can be found at (url="http://"")

      It was nice to do this, but it would be nice if somebody takes over another tournament soon. It's better to go on rotation!


    • It was fun

      Thanks all especially the host. Since this was the first tournament, I can proudly say based on my ranking that I am either:
      a) The eighth best popper in the world :rolleyes
      🆒 The WORST popper in the world.
      The truth lies somewhere in between...

      Let's do this again very soon. Anyone?
      Phil: Learn anything today, any tips? If there's interest for say next Saturday I'll take on the hostin' .
      Let me know.


    • Well played everybody

      im gonna win the next tournament 😄

      only carson, hyko and some other cool pop-pop players werent there

    • That's nice Monty. Go ahead. i'll try to be on board!
      Learning from this first experience... all in all it went very well... all you need to be careful with is:

      1. Have the players commit to the tournament (we had 3 players today who did not stay until the end)

      2. Have them read the rules before the start, especially asking to write the scores down (3-0, 3-1 or 3-2) on a piece of paper (I had one of the 10 who sent me won 4 lost 1 - can't do anything with it... but he was 'disqualified' for not playing all games anyway)

      3. Make clear where to e-mail the scores

      4. I would say and tried my best, the one that hosts the tournament is also the moderator and the one communicating (on the tracker with short messages on via chat applet). E.g for almost everybody I asked in the first games if they had paper and pencil next to them...

      Other things... time constraints - we did this tournament in one hour (11 players). I think that's a nice count otherwise it might last too long. How to limit I don't know.
      Maybe to simplify things, I would suggest all players that want participate must login in the 30 minutes before the start so you could write down the names of the participants before kick-off...

      If you host, I suggest we close those two topics and you open a new one 'New Tournament' with rules etc...

      Thanks all


      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • Yes the tournament was a success and a lot of fun, thanks to msxgamesbox for doing a great job and a very interesting Excel scores sheet!

      With regard to further competitions I agree with most of msxgamesbox's above comments. Below are some comments of my own for whoever hosts the next competition.

      The tournament actually lasted well over an hour for me. This I think maybe a bit of a problem. If a tournament takes too long it will put people off from playing in the future and cause people to leave before it is finished. Two ways to cut down time would be to have the tournament as Expert only (Hard games take far too long) and discourage people from having lengthy chats during a game, which I admit to being guilty of too. 🙂

      Finally, is having the tournament on a Saturday really the best time? There would surely be more people at home with the time to play on a Sunday. I appreciate this would be a problem for players in Asia, they would get to work on Monday very tired! But there are far fewer players in Asia than in Europe or the US. Anyway thats my opinion, its up to the host of the next tournament I suppose!

      And finally,
      I would like to thank my coach, my manager and my sponsors for their continuous encouragement and support throughout the last couple of months. I really owe this victory to them.
      I would also like to thank Kowe and Carson for not turning up at the tournament and kicking my ass! 🙂

      Mr Shoes.

    • true, Sunday might turn out better.

      Relive the MSX on your Macintosh!

    • I know it's a little late to chime in, but yeah I'd like to say congrats to mr shoes. It was a really fun tourney 🙂 I'd certainly be interested in another. I think the only thing that I didn't like about it was that I played 1 or 2 people on hard mode and hard mode goes soooooo slowly. It not only bogs down individual games, but also slows the whole tournament down. So how bout expert mode required next time? other than that, thanks for the games guys and I hope to see you on the tracker soon!


    • sounds like it was a great event. I would have participated except I had SAT II testing that morning (i'm in -400 GMT, btw) so I was unavailable. sounds like the event was fun and went fairly smoothly. let me know if another one is organized!


    • I was taking the SAT II, too. =D. I probably could have joined the tournament, but my brain cells were floating on the top of my brain like dead goldfish in an aquarium.


    • Sounds like you guys had a great tournament. Unfortunately, I was unavailable at the time you all did the tournament, so I'm looking forward to the next one...who is going to do it next time?

      Cu - Helix

    • Me
      My names cedric, nickname is Ceddo, here its Cooldude.


    • I will be gone for the next tournament on the 10th. :{

      Hope that I will be able to particpate in the one after that!

      Please don't schedule it on a Saturday! Thx!
