Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Here's a bug and a half.......

      3 4 305

      if you use the magnet, then pause when holding on to the magnet, then hit unpause the ball will not move again until you use the magnet again. Given you can move the paddle- which can go right thru the ball, like I said until the magnet is used again............


      Welcome to the Matrix...

    • I found another bug dealing with the magnet a while ago. If the paddle is near the top of the 'paddle area' and you magnet the ball back up to it from near the bottom of the play area, when the ball hits the paddle from underneath any bricks that would have ended your game due to crossing the line will just disappear and not affect you.

      -- Jeff

    • I've seen this too, these should be brought up if there is any chance of a version upgrade...........

      Welcome to the Matrix...

    • I’ve found another particularly annoying one, which for some reason only seems to occur when the lower bricks are touching the line. After hitting a green ball, the magnet refuses to work, so I’m left frantically trying to recall the ball only for the bricks to drop and lose the set. Anybody else had this? 😕

      “War does not
      determine who is right,
      war determines who is