It's an OpenGL pop-pop level editor...
-- Jeff
It's an OpenGL pop-pop level editor...
-- Jeff
Where does it put the new levels? And waht happens if pop-pop loads it when I host a webgame?
Nope no sig
Bah, no Classic version of it. Grr.
(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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(quote)Originally posted by EVula:
**Bah, no Classic version of it. Grr.:p Well... that's what I'm doing anyway.
"You will find that your device is highly non-functional...." - Bad Guy
(url="http://"")Your Cursor is getting heavy.... You feel it coming to this link..(/url)(url="http://"").(/url)(url="http://"").(/url)
(url="http://"")My Webpage!(/url)
(quote)Originally posted by Shrout1:
**Heh... Get a new computer!:)
Sonderlich Die, welche sich "die Guten" heissen, fand ich als die giftigsten Fliegen: sie stechen in aller Unschuld, sie lügen in aller Unschuld; wie vermöchten sie, gegen mich--gerecht zu sein! ... Die Dummheit der Guten nämlich ist unergründlich. -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra (7.19)
Is your semi-friendly moderator on the job? (url="http://"")Find out!(/url)
(This message has been edited by spamguy (edited 08-09-2002).)
(quote)Originally posted by spamguy:
**Ah yes...and congratulations on your fine product, Merciless, dominator of code!:) I just passed it along to the community. My software is coming later.
For those of you who frequent GameRanger, this was written by noko.
-- Jeff
Originally posted by Merciless:
**Whoa whoa, I didn't write this:) I just passed it along to the community. My software is coming later.
For those of you who frequent GameRanger, this was written by noko.
Meh. Someone on the beta team wrote it and mentioned it on the list...I thought it was you.
Here is the flogging stick. You know what you must do with it.
Sonderlich Die, welche sich "die Guten" heissen, fand ich als die giftigsten Fliegen: sie stechen in aller Unschuld, sie lügen in aller Unschuld; wie vermöchten sie, gegen mich--gerecht zu sein! ... Die Dummheit der Guten nämlich ist unergründlich. -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra (7.19)
Is your semi-friendly moderator on the job? (url="http://"")Find out!(/url)
Originally posted by spamguy:
Meh. Someone on the beta team wrote it and mentioned it on the list...I thought it was you.
Nope, I wasn't on the beta list. I would have signed up when it reentered public registration but I was already testing Deimos and Snapz Pro X at the time and wanted to concentrate more time on my current project.
Here is the flogging stick. You know what you must do with it.
Vicious and unrelenting beatings?
-- Jeff
(quote)Originally posted by Merciless:
**Vicious and unrelenting beatings?;)
Sonderlich Die, welche sich "die Guten" heissen, fand ich als die giftigsten Fliegen: sie stechen in aller Unschuld, sie lügen in aller Unschuld; wie vermöchten sie, gegen mich--gerecht zu sein! ... Die Dummheit der Guten nämlich ist unergründlich. -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra (7.19)
Is your semi-friendly moderator on the job? (url="http://"")Find out!(/url)
This is great, thanks to however wrote it. New levels in abundance....
War does not
determine who is right,
war determines who is