Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Tracker bug/problem?

      4 5 294

      The following is an actual screenshot of the pop-pop tracker about 15 minutes ago:
      (edit - argh! The shot won't show! Oh, well. Just go (url="http://"")here(/url) to see it.)
      (edit 2 - I can't even get that link to work! The shot is at: (url="http://"")

      Note that anonoPop is listed twice, as is the game he is hosting.
      Is this a bug or problem with the tracker, me, or anonoPop?

      Sorry if this has been pointed out before, but I've never heard of it.

      Microsoft: "This place is evil, Timothy, but perhaps a necessary evil."
      -- Neil Gaiman, "The Books of Magic"
      One, Two, Three, (url="http://"")Pfhor(/url)
      (url="http://"")iDevGames(/url)... do (url="http://"")uDevGames(/url)?

      (This message has been edited by sinclair44 (edited 08-04-2002).)

      (This message has been edited by sinclair44 (edited 08-04-2002).)

    • Dude, that's an 826k tiff file. Next time, use jpeg to make it about 20 times smaller so people with dial-up can actually see it in less than 10 minutes of loading.

      As for the double listings, I've seen it many times before.

      "I think more people need to have quotes from me in their sigs." - forge
      Pikepics, Floozy's Pics •• > (url="http://"") (/url) <•• pike's #ev3 quotes, PP™
      (url="http://";=64&SUBMIT;=Go")Just Tech(/url): Whisky shot of the truly l33t.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Pikeman:
      **Dude, that's an 826k tiff file. Next time, use jpeg to make it about 20 times smaller so people with dial-up can actually see it in less than 10 minutes of loading.

      As for the double listings, I've seen it many times before.


      Not to mention it's a tiff file :frown: OmniWeb is like the only browser that can even view it natively and I wish it wouldn't because it makes people think it's ok. The majority of people don't use it.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Pikeman:
      **Dude, that's an 826k tiff file. Next time, use jpeg to make it about 20 times smaller so people with dial-up can actually see it in less than 10 minutes of loading.

      As for the double listings, I've seen it many times before.**

      Woah... sorry. When I took the shot in OS X I forgot that it saves them as tiff files, which are (again, I forgot) hard to see in many browsers, not to mention big.

      So the listings is just a common and harmless bug?

      Microsoft: "This place is evil, Timothy, but perhaps a necessary evil."
      -- Neil Gaiman, "The Books of Magic"
      One, Two, Three, (url="http://"")Pfhor(/url)
      (url="http://"")iDevGames(/url)... do (url="http://"")uDevGames(/url)?

      (This message has been edited by sinclair44 (edited 08-05-2002).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by sinclair44:
      So the listings is just a common and harmless bug?

      Yes. It happens all too often. If you host a game, then don't stop hosting and join a different game - your original hosted game will stay on the tracker for a while.

      Also, if you connect, host a game and for some reason pop-pop crashes, you may get the "name already in use" when you try to reconnect.

      It's been noted in the growing little bug report for PopWrangler. Mostly little tweaks here and there.

      If you think I'm being mean, please tell me. I was actually going for NASTY!!