Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Bug on my version...

      2 2 317

      Whenever I go into options>configure controls> keyboard, I have access to a form that allows to to change the functions of the different keys - all normal.

      Now, there are 3 pages within this form and I can view all 3 (they are set up with a switch on the bottom that progresses you through them). It is, however, when I get to the last page and accidentally click to go to the next page button (or dog-ear you could say) that the game freezes and quits. It doesn't do any harm to the machine, but I just have to re-start the game. I don't know if this is a widespread problem, but I wanted to be sure that the proper people would be aware and could test it out.


      "You will find that your device is highly non-functional...." - Bad Guy
      (url="http://"")Your Cursor is getting heavy.... You feel it coming to this link....(/url)
      (url="http://"")My Webpage!(/url)

    • (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...TML/000125.html(/url)

      "This place is evil, Timothy, but perhaps a necessary evil."
      -- Neil Gaiman, "The Books of Magic"
      One, Two, Three, (url="http://"")Pfhor(/url)