Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • the exhilaration of the kill

      8 9 306

      I've found the secret to ultimate fun in popping.
      It's to put something on the line when you play your game. Earlier tonight, an unidentified player joined my game and immediately asked me to join the "cheez" clan. Now, being that the the clan's name is cheeze and my screen name is themage, and they don't rhyme, I was loathe to join the clan. But he asked so hard that I told him I'd join his clan if he beat me fair and square in a game of pop-pop in expert mode. Now I didn't know how much this game meant to me until halfway into the first round, when I found myself breathing hard, my heart pounding, and playing one of the best games of pop-pop I've ever played. The excitement that came from having to put something on the line if I lost made the game hugely fun. I just wish there was something I could do every time I played that was as fun as defending myself from the cheez clan. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Anybody else wish they could get into some competitive pop-pop? Any suggestions for making your pop-pop game more fun? post 'em here.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by themage:
      **I've found the secret to ultimate fun in popping.
      It's to put something on the line when you play your game. Earlier tonight, an unidentified player joined my game and immediately asked me to join the "cheez" clan. Now, being that the the clan's name is cheeze and my screen name is themage, and they don't rhyme, I was loathe to join the clan. But he asked so hard that I told him I'd join his clan if he beat me fair and square in a game of pop-pop in expert mode. Now I didn't know how much this game meant to me until halfway into the first round, when I found myself breathing hard, my heart pounding, and playing one of the best games of pop-pop I've ever played. The excitement that came from having to put something on the line if I lost made the game hugely fun. I just wish there was something I could do every time I played that was as fun as defending myself from the cheez clan. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Anybody else wish they could get into some competitive pop-pop? Any suggestions for making your pop-pop game more fun? post 'em here.


      I had a very fun game against PRPopRocks - I didn't want to join his clan, but I did want to make them look stupid. ( :)) I had already, that day, beaten 2 PopRocks players (and since then have beaten 2 more without a loss), and I wanted to move in and kill the leader. I played really well but he still handed me my ass. 🙂

      (url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
      The sub-l33t pop-pop player
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    • I've played an excellent match against sennah from the Swedish World Cup team. (I play for team Denmark).
      He beat me two rounds, so all he had to do, was take one more round to win the match. A very important World Cup Match. But I wouldn't let him win. I fought so hard that eventually I won the next three rounds - and the match. There's nothing so sweet, as a well deserved win. 🙂

      The answer to the question is, obviously, 42!

    • Any match that makes me forget where I am in sheer exhilaration of frenzied play is a great one. Just sit down and play a furiously fast, fun game.

      Mr. Flibble Is Very

    • I like to play Andrew or anklebiter- I observe their moves and learn... and grow....

      Crazed Laughing

      Edit: It is assumed of course, that I won't win from such games. But if by 'exhilerating game' you mean winning then I usually go and mow down some newbies. 😄

      "I'll admit it, I was never good with people. Even as a child, my imaginary friend would go to play with the kid down the street."
      (url="http://"")House of Soy (Last update- 7-23-02)(/url) | (url="http://"")Heraan Info Core (Event Horizon Webstory)(/url)

      (This message has been edited by SoySauce (edited 07-29-2002).)

    • Nope, exhilarating doesnt mean winning... it just means that it's an exhilarating experience...if you play on expert and last for 15 minutes, it's exhilarating.

      Mr. Flibble Is Very

    • Quote

      Originally posted by PRPop-Rocks:
      **Nope, exhilarating doesnt mean winning... it just means that it's an exhilarating experience...if you play on expert and last for 15 minutes, it's exhilarating.


      I had a game with Synotic (sp) that was really cool. I even won, which surprised me...of course, he wasn't very talkative afterwards unfortunatly.

      Some say he tripped on the lawn gnome

    • Quote

      Originally posted by PRPop-Rocks:
      **Nope, exhilarating doesnt mean winning... it just means that it's an exhilarating experience...if you play on expert and last for 15 minutes, it's exhilarating.

      I did that with RoseTheNose earlier today. Damn, that was fun...

      Do not aproach a cow from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.
      -Mark Twain

      I like (url="http://"")schtuff(/url).

    • I played this MCz (Mad Cowz) kid like six times. He was ok but I beat him six times.

      I might be a Giant.......