Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • strategies

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      what strategy do you use while playing? who do you like playing against?

      I am a defense-only person. I will use attacks, but im more concerned with breaking many bricks with the charged up paddle rather than using that charge to annoy the enemy. The garbage is enough, I find it makes the game longer and quite a bit more fun when you have this happening. A couple games ive played I only attacked once or twice, and was in retaliation attacked once or twice. both of us kept to ourselves, only dumping trash on the other, and it made the game so much more fun.

      So far ive noted that I love to play against CaptEditor. He is good, about the same skill as me, and he uses the same strategy. Its very fun playing 15-20 minute matches against him. Another is PyroQuake, he attacks A LOT but get by the attacks and he is left with nothing, scrambling to not lose. He is good and it takes forever to beat him. Another I like to play is Payback. Though he is quite new, he is already fairly decent at it.


      We were the first political party to advocate renaming the Washington Monument the Big Stone U.S. Penis and putting big, orange foam testicles at the bottom.

    • I generally don't like to use the attacks. There was a time when I prided myself as a purist. The only way I wanted to win is if I cleared the screen. Things change though and now I find myself using the attacks. Inio and I had a good few matches last night and I used to really anjoy playing AAP but I have not seen him around in a while.

      "Italians don't have mohawks, Eric." - My dad

    • Well, I like to cocentrate on breaking as many bricks as possible and generally keeping ahead, then hit my opponent with a flower or something when he's just about to lose to make it more of a sure thing.

      I've only played three online matches, lost one rather miserably (I was nervous ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) and won the other two fairly easily. It's kind of hard to keep track of opponents with all the "DEMO"s tacked on to the names, so I don't have a clue who beat me or who I pasted, but it was a heck of a lot of fun. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Non cognosco quo modo dicere linguam latinam bene.

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 07-18-2002).)

    • I usally do the 'let the enemy kill themselves' tactic, which sounds to be about the same as what you do.

      I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.

    • I move the ball as fast as it will go, and keep it moving in a 45 degree angle, many times hitting 2-3 bricks as once, slowly sending them over to my opponent. I like to store my charges to the max, and then break a rabid hole in the bricks followed by an slaughter attack. I keep this up until I can either push my opponent over the edge, or wait until we are both huggin the line where I will start sending him bricks like mad, over whelming opponent.

      See ya on the tracker!

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Depends on expert using the special power really pays off so it really depend on which level Im playing

      (url="http://"")Order of Chaos(/url) or you could always go to a much better (url="http://"")site(/url)

    • Fast hitting, fast hitting, fast hitting..... special power, special power, special power...... fast hitting, clearing of blocks, fast hitting, and then special power unti the other person dies.

      "I think more people need to have quotes from me in their sigs." - forge
      Pikepics, Floozy's Pics ย•ย• > (url="http://"") (/url) <ย•ย• pike's #ev3 quotes, PPย™
      (url="http://";=64&SUBMIT;=Go")Just Tech(/url): Whisky shot of the truly l33t.

    • I like to start out clearing my screen, then magnet the ball back when I have lots of charge and then unleash my power! If I really get in trobule, I'll stay to myself, just clearing bricks. Sometimes I just concentrate on keeping my bottom half clear, and only power up my bricks.

      We've got mormons. I called the exterminator, but it seems they only deal with small-scale infestations. -Asc
      excalty, exacly, ecatly, whatever.
      Newly updated: (url="http://"")Evo Info(/url)!
      (url="http://"")My Site(/url).

    • I personally think that this game is based on Sun Tzu's "Art of War".

      think about itย™.

      In low ground, climb.
      In desolate ground, run.
      In encircled ground, scheme.
      In deathground, fight.

      Never spoke a truer word.

      Psalm 73 ~ "ba wah-i b w eh?" Hudson ~ Generic (url="http://"")EVula(/url) link ~ { (url="http://"")sphere(/url) }
      "Why do you keep using that word? I do not think it means what you think it means."

    • One of the key strategies is of course to hit the ball as fast as you can without losing control of it. Think about it; if you hit the ball hard and your oppenent plays it easy, you're clearing 1.5 times as many bricks and getting 1.5 times as much power. However, you must be careful hitting the ball very hard until you have fully developed the pro reflexes (which I haven't yet).

      Another strategy is hitting opponents with your attacks (obviously). The real key to doing this, though is timing. If your oppenent has his ball up on the top, not using his paddle, don't send off a round of six-shooter bullets, that would be stupid. However, this would be a good time to send a brick bot his way. When your opponent is at the line, he is much more vulnerable, but don't overdo your attacking and leave yourself with too little power to clear your own blocks. And, of course, multiple attacks are almost always better than one. However, attacking as fast as possible is not always the best way to go. With Mr. Man I have noticed that brickbots tend to follow one another, and that results are better if you hit, charge, hit, hit, charge, hit, etc.

      There are more different strategies on how you clear blocks. Charge it up full, hit it at a huge angle as fast as you possibly can? Don't charge up at all and carefully magent to the exact spot you want bricks cleared? Try and blast through to the top and clear from top to bottom? All the brick-clearing styles are different, and I can't really tell you which is best. A cool strategy to use is half-magneting (as I call it). Half-magneting involves using the magnety but letting go before it sticks to your paddle. You can use this to change the angle of a ball that is going way to wide, bring the ball downwards but not actually to your paddle, and many other things. One of my favorite tricks that was actually invented by my little brother is to get the ball on top of a huge block of bricks, then magnet it down into the middle, and let go. The ball, trapped in a big square of bricks, quickly clears out a lot of your screen from the inside of the mess. Unfortunately, I'm really bad at this trick :frown:.

      These are just some of the many base strategies of pop-pop. I'm sorry if my post was too long for you, I got a little carried away. And, though I may sound authorative, these are just my personal views, feel free to develop your own.

      | | | | | I
      | | | | | Hate
      | | | | | You
      | | | | | Violently