Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • How does Pop-pop multiplayer work?

      12 17 395

      Are their like servers at ambrosia, or can you search for servers, or does it require Gameranger? Is it just 1 v 1, or many options.

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    • Quote

      Originally posted by flamingantiçhimp:
      **Are their like servers at ambrosia, or can you search for servers, or does it require Gameranger? Is it just 1 v 1, or many options.


      All will be revealed when it's public...

      But yes, the tracker is hosted at ambrosia, and play is 1x1 net play. It does not require GameRanger...


    • Here is a link to a review done by Mac Gamer, it may answer some questions that you have, as Jinx said, all will be revealed at Mac World New York!

      -- One step beyond, Yo' Fox

    • Nice colour decor. Relaxing. 🙂

      GameRanger support came off and on during the beta process. Dunno what its current status is. Andrew/Andrew?

      "The businessman who wishes to gain a market by throttling a superior competitor...will not achieve a market, a fortune or an immortal fame--they will merely destroy production, employment and art."
      -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged (6.20)

    • You can use pop-pop with GameRanger, if you like -- or you can use pop-pop's out built-in tracker. Either way, it doesn't matter. 🙂

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Some people's minds are like cement: all mixed up and permanently set...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spamguy:
      **Nice colour decor. Relaxing.:)

      Yeah, if you're a Mon Calamari...


      "I think more people need to have quotes from me in their sigs." - forge
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      (url="http://";=64&SUBMIT;=Go")Just Tech(/url): Whisky shot of the truly l33t.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spamguy:
      Nice colour decor. Relaxing.:)

      Uh yes. :rolleyes:

      We've got mormons. I called the exterminator, but it seems they only deal with small-scale infestations. -Asc
      excalty, exacly, ecatly, whatever.
      Newly updated: (url="http://"")Evo Info(/url)!
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    • Quote

      Originally posted by flamingantiçhimp:
      How does Pop-pop multiplayer work?

      Very well indeed 😉 .

      "I don't want to be a software engineer. I want to design weapons of mass destruction."
      - Jen Quirin (attributed)

    • Someone please re-phrase. I don't get it, I know it works with GameRanger but how else does it work?

      All hell that ends well -Me
      Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
      (url="http://"")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Overrider720:
      **Someone please re-phrase. I don't get it, I know it works with GameRanger but how else does it work?


      Pop also has a built-in tracker. In the Versus menu go to Network and it auto logs into the ASW server and lists what people and games are there. Pretty self explanatory.

      Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
      Now lobbest thou thy keyboard towards thy monitor, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.
      (url="http://"")Rogue Thoughts(/url)

    • Are there internet limitations in the demo? can you host a game, or can you only join a game?

      Psalm 73 ~ "ba wah-i b w eh?" Hudson ~ Generic (url="http://"")EVula(/url) link ~ { (url="http://"")sphere(/url) }
      "Why do you keep using that word? I do not think it means what you think it means."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ArcAngel Counterstrike:
      **Pop also has a built-in tracker. In the Versus menu go to Network and it auto logs into the ASW server and lists what people and games are there. Pretty self explanatory.

      I won't be able do to any of that until tomarrow but thanks for that

      All hell that ends well -Me
      Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
      (url="http://"")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
      The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Pikeman:
      **Yeah, if you're a Mon Calamari...



      OK, it's bluer than my tongue after a Tropical Splash specialty lollipop. Are we happy with ourselves now? 😉

      "The businessman who wishes to gain a market by throttling a superior competitor...will not achieve a market, a fortune or an immortal fame--they will merely destroy production, employment and art."
      -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged (6.20)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mantaray:
      **Are there internet limitations in the demo? can you host a game, or can you only join a game?


      You can only play one net game as a DEMO, then you are disconnected.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by jinx:
      **You can only play one net game as a DEMO, then you are disconnected.


      Not to mention that you have to sit on the tracker semi-embarrassed with the word DEMO branded on your name.

      "The businessman who wishes to gain a market by throttling a superior competitor...will not achieve a market, a fortune or an immortal fame--they will merely destroy production, employment and art."
      -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged (6.20)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spamguy:
      **Not to mention that you have to sit on the tracker semi-embarrassed with the word DEMO branded on your name.


      it's better than "NEWBIE"


    • The last two posts here basicly sum up why I want to register pop-pop. That and Ambrosia deserves money for this game.

      I want to die peacefully in my sleep like grandpa; Not yelling and screaming like the passangers in his car.