We can start matches as soon as 9 PM, but I also understand that I'll need to accomidate those who can't make it dead at 9 PM EST. I'll say 9:30 PM EST is the latest a first round game can start. If you miss that gap between 9:00 and 9:30, you're out of the tourney. I believe 30 minutes, on a service as small as Gameranger, is plenty of time. There have been several complaints about the later tourney time, so I want to start as early as 9 o'clock. However, I'm trying to be accomidating by allowing starts as late as 9:30 pm. As far as I've noticed, this time is accomidating to the majority of players in the tournement.
As far as crashes and disconnects go, I think each player should be allowed 15 minutes of crash/disconnect time per match. I must say that I've been guilty of excessant crashing myself, but with much effort I've managed to get off that track. Here's a few suggestions if your computer crashes or freezes frequently:
1. Use diagnostic programs such as Disk First Aid, Norton Disk Doctor, or TechTool. These programs should help spot and fix any major problems in your system hierarchy. This could be a cause for consistant crashing and/or freezing.
2. Clean out your system folder. Use such programs as Conflict Catcher to detect problematic extensions and eliminate or disable them. Or, you can install a clean copy of your current system, which will insure absolutely zero conflicts. Don't worry, your old system folder should be backed up on your HD so you can just fit in things you'll need into your new system folder, such as Ares Preferences.
3. The least likely cause is a virus, but if the above actions don't work to solve your problem, try scanning your comp for possible pestulences.
4. Lastly, for performance purposes, try rebuilding your desktop, defragmenting your comp, and zap the PRAM. Doing these on a regular basis can make sure your comp has not only a clean bill of health but peak performance as well.
As far as internet connections go, there are some things to make sure you're performing your best there, too.
1. Simply restart your comp. I don't know exactly how this works, but I've noticed the results.
2. Get a recent connection. Over a long period of being connected, your connection may not be so hot, or may even be dead. Try reconnecting right before the tourney. You may also want to restart and reconnect.
3. Quit other programs. Programs such as ICQ or Netscape will not only hoard RAM but your internet connection as well (they'll also take up some of your processing power, which is another factor in lag as well). Try to run only Ares if you can (you may want to quit GR as well).
I hope you all atleast consider these measures before tourney time. That way, you, and the rest of us, can experience a less glitchy tournement.
I believe the rules will be the same here again, however, lag permitting, I'd like to have best-of-5 matches. This way its not on the line after one mistake of a game. Of course, I will regress to the standard 3-games if they seem to take too long.
Happy Hunting. 
Alter Ego: Erich Blossey
Website: (url="http://"http://www.axis.n3.net")http://www.axis.n3.net(/url)
Email: (url="http://"mailto:AresAxis@aol.com")mailto:AresAxis@aol.com(/url)AresAxis@aol.com