Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Hmm...yes, suppose that ought to work. Try and keep the comm/probes a secret from the player for a while though.

      if (brain.exists == false) {SysBeep(50); ExitToShell(); }
      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin

    • I'm not shure i am going to be able to continue on this project. The new private school i changed to this year has lots of homework to send home with me everyday. (Homework is keeping me up till 10 most nights.) And i have my own Nova TC called Infinity that i have a devotion to finish... I can send you the models and everything, but my involvement in this project is probably going to come to a halt.

      "...For what we see now is only a shadow of things to come..."

    • I'm beginning to think that there's little point in continuing this anyways. By the time it'd be done only four people would download

      if (brain.exists == false) {SysBeep(50); ExitToShell(); }
      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin/co-owner

    • We could potentially convert it to a multiplayer plug. All the stealth and lack of warp would make for interesting tactics. I think that's what we were mostly thinking about when designing the overall ship stuff.

      "Typical Americanism. Somebody else does it so we have to do it wrong."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
      **We could potentially convert it to a multiplayer plug. All the stealth and lack of warp would make for interesting tactics. I think that's what we were mostly thinking about when designing the overall ship stuff.


      I think the problem is that no one plays ARES online anymore. It's down to 2-3 games/week on GR max. Really, there's no point in continuing this project as an Ares plugin.

      if (brain.exists == false) {SysBeep(50); ExitToShell(); }
      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin/co-owner

    • you could try to convert it into a nova plug.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by 9024:
      **you could try to convert it into a nova plug.

      Fat chance. If a progect can't be compleated for Ares(which Hera is a thousand times easier to operate then res-edit) then there is no chance that it'll make it into a nova plug-in.

      I know what i'm saying, having already made SAF for Ares and now working on Infinity for Nova.

      "...For what we see now is only a shadow of things to come..."

    • well--there is a plugin editor for NOVA coming out ( (url="http://"") ) but i dislike NOVA and don't have a registered copy so it would be a bit hard to develop for 😉

      if (brain.exists == false) {SysBeep(50); ExitToShell(); }
      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin/co-owner

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Skyfox:
      **Fat chance. If a progect can't be compleated for Ares(which Hera is a thousand times easier to operate then res-edit) then there is no chance that it'll make it into a nova plug-in.

      I know what i'm saying, having already made SAF for Ares and now working on Infinity for Nova.


      but still, what is the point of this good idea going to waste??

      there are maby 3 of you that still work on this and there is not likely to be many more any time soon.
      EVN has loads of followers whos going to jump for a chance to work on a large (original) TC like this one.


    • Part of it is that we designed it for ares - the ships are meant to operate on the ares engine, and we tried to make it incorporate as much strategy as possible (for commanding fleets, not just flying a ship).

      Don't we have a decently large portion of the ships coded in, already? I don't think it would be much work at all to just load the ships in and make it a multiplayer plug.

      "Typical Americanism. Somebody else does it so we have to do it wrong."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
      Don't we have a decently large portion of the ships coded in, already? I don't think it would be much work at all to just load the ships in and make it a multiplayer plug.


      But what would the point be? take a look at the latest net plugins on the addons. something like 10-20 downloads over a month or two. That means there's probably been 0 games using the plugins...

      if (brain.exists == false) {SysBeep(50); ExitToShell(); }
      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin/co-owner

    • Quote

      Originally posted by 9024:
      EVN has loads of followers whos going to jump for a chance to work on a large (original) TC like this one.

      Not realy, half of them don't even have any idea of how much work is required to finish a TC. Even with a jump-start. And the half that does have the drive already has their own plug-ins. Looking at the dev board, the "Great TC Idea!" topics only have about 5-10 replies. All comments but no-one willing to take it on.

      "...For what we see now is only a shadow of things to come..."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Skyfox:
      **I'm not shure i am going to be able to continue on this project. The new private school i changed to this year has lots of homework to send home with me everyday. (Homework is keeping me up till 10 most nights.) And i have my own Nova TC called Infinity that i have a devotion to finish... I can send you the models and everything, but my involvement in this project is probably going to come to a halt.


      I predict that you'll never finish it.

      There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.
      opinion change 9/11/02: ignorance should be regarded as evil.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Joveia:
      **I predict that you'll never finish it.


      hindsight is 20/ posted this after we quit lol

      if (brain.exists == false) {SysBeep(50); ExitToShell(); }
      (url="http://"")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
      (url="http://"")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin/co-owner