Originally posted by Skyfox:
**The main pirate base is in Sirus? That would be confusing. The story seams to indacate that the most advanced pirates would be in Sol. If the Sol pirates were the most advanced, that would make more sense because all the colony pirates are severl hundered years behind in technology. (Because technology can't increase very well in a colony ship.) So whats the deal with the Sol pirates, or do we realy need them at all?
The tech for FTL comm was developed by the Sirus pirates...all the pirates have been sharing the tech from their systems with each other so actually they're the most advanced faction out of all the factions. So all the NFFT factions(1/system) have most of the advances made by scientists in Sol, Sirus, Centauri, and Proxima all combined. Also the story does say the pirate leader is at Sirus(see Barbarian campaign)
(url="http://"http://www.aresaxis.net")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
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GR/(url="http://"http://magleague.com/downloads/chat.html")MaGChat(/url): Col. El Patrick
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