Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Free Strata Studio PRO 2.5.3

      (url="http://"")Free Strata Studio PRO 2.5.3(/url)
      To anyone who's looking for a good 3d program to do their ships for their plug this is probably your best choice. From the link:


      ON CD:

      ť FREE FULL SOFTWARE ­ Strata StudioPro 2.5.3
      Complete 3D software featuring modelling, animation and rendering tools including raydiosity, raytracing, metaballs and texture mapping! Yours to keep forever!

      I just realised...I hate huge signatures and I have one myself- DOH!

    • Cant get it in canada from what i can tell. plus its 12 bucks here with the exchange rate and also I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!

      (url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)| (url="http://"")The SSF(/url) | (url="http://"")

    • (url="http://";=1iss")You can get it in canada, just select CAnada as the country(/url)

      I just realised...I hate huge signatures and I have one myself- DOH!

    • I wonder if they take COD's

      (url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)| (url="http://"")The SSF(/url) | (url="http://"")

    • As I recall from the ordering process(just picked it up for myself) they take credit card only. Assuming you're a minor, you probably could have your parents use their card to pick it up and you could reinburse them for the cost(that's what I do for web orders)

      I just realised...I hate huge signatures and I have one myself- DOH!

    • I got that for $50 when it was worth something like $2000 over 2 years ago...

      For an idea on what Strata is capable of, see (url="http://"")this(/url).

      There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

    • Jov, I never thought of you as a flowery kind of guy...

      "Vampiric chickens are spiffy. Bak bak bak ARRR!"

    • I AM! HA HA HA HA!

      There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

    • Well, err... good for you, Joveia. It takes someone very secure in their masculinity to use such... flowery... girlish... gah!

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only
      Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

    • OH MY GOD!!!!!

      Actualy I already saw that page. I know what strata is capable of....

      (url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)| (url="http://"")The SSF(/url) | (url="http://"")

    • 😉

      Oh yeah, one rule of thumb if you're going to Strata - save early and often

    • Wow, Strata 3D is awesome.

      A life without danger is no life at all. -Blood Eagle

    • Be quiet blood eagle, and take your ignorant opinion with you.

      There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

    • Hush, Joveia, and let the man render.

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only
      Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

    • huh?

      Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
      I beat the ENTIRE Federation mission string in a Stock Civi Viper
      (url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)| (url="http://"")The SSF(/url) | (url="http://"")

    • Render as in create fantastical spaceship scenes through the process of 3D rendering, rather than the process used to purify fat. Naturally.

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only
      Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

    • Not long ago, I probably would have jumped at this. However, I've sort of fallen victim to POV's methods, although what I'm into is even wierder than Darkk's style.

      With a good sheet of lined paper, it's not hard to manually enter in vertices and vertex normals for every point I want to exist. Generally, I don't use anything complex enough to make this procedure impractical, and you can get all sorts of shapes which aren't otherwise possible. It also has the added benefit of being practical for dynamically rendered things, like Marathon objs.

      I'm not sure if I have a readily available Pfhor Destroyer pic, and I think I might retexture it first. But it's a very nice example of why I'm using POV for the Pfhor ships. (UESG ships are still Strata, but I don't need anything from Pro)

      "Welcome to our Pirate outpost. Please enjoy your stay, and realize that any irregular actions can and will be used against you in the afterlife."

    • POV ray looks interesting, but I've found myself addicted to seeing my ships model in full 3D. I wonder if POV does that.

      There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

    • I'm not sure what you're talking about here... if you're talking about manipulating objects graphically, then no. You have to edit models entirely through a text file, with includes and such.

      "Welcome to our Pirate outpost. Please enjoy your stay, and realize that any irregular actions can and will be used against you in the afterlife."