Actually, they make good manouvring handles. The further the point of thrust is away from the axis of the ship, the more effect it will have.
I'm going to re-habilitate this contest, just so I can submit my latest pic. It hasn't been finished yet. But when it does fear ye. For it will have Special Effects™ and Be As A Ship Blowing UpŠ.
So, until then, I hope some of you take an interest in this competition again. Ah the memories. I wonder if Slug is still around? If he is, then I wonder whether he will see this topic and rejoin. But, heck, I don't think there's much point calling it a competition anymore. I don't think we'll ever have a winner.
So, I understand some of you have pitted your poor, woeful skills against your computers and have tried to create some graphics. Well, perhaps you should submit them. Think of it, the fame, the glory, the karma. Oh, I'm ranting...
There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.