I'm on AIM a VAST quantity of time. If I'm not in NOVA or SoA, I'm on AIM.
Contacting me there isn't that hard.
Status update -
Jjaro and Nar ships will be ready for their big sprite render as soon as school restarts. I'll pile up a render que and let it fly. 14 hours per race SHOULD be plenty. Then I'll bring the suckers into Ares color table (I hate that thing).
Next up -
Set up for the "fricking massive batch render, parts I and II".
Rework Darkk.inc and improve macros.
Redo Vertakk with the improved macros.
Batch render them.
Re-render misc artwork for them.
Re-work the Jjaro weapons.
Balence ships/weapons.
Work on Plot.
Work on Levels.
Beta test.
Seen on a Claymore anitpersonell mine: "Do not eat"