Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • jovin?

      I'm sorry to say this, but I can't understand what you're actually trying to ask 🙂

      Please, be detailed, specific, and check your splelling 🙂

      _After the Alien wars, our civilisation was left in the stone ages. The core worlds were supposedly decimated, yet I cannot shake the horrible feeling that something has survived. _

      -Polaris Confederacy Admiral Canaron,

    • jovin is the very fast rocket from EV!

      ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
      (if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
      (1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
      (Devels Shack)
      E I/I I II E I/Iлллллллллллsee i fixed it:)

    • I think he means "Javellin." In Frozen Heart, its "Plasma Bolt." I don't have a clue as to what Seivle is, though...

      "I can ail what cures you."

    • Swivle it goes this way and that 🙂 but it doesnt stay straight

      ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
      (if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
      (1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
      (Devels Shack)
      E I/I I II E I/Iлллллллллллsee i fixed it:)

    • wtf is a swivle how 'bout a swivel


    • sigh never mind.

      _After the Alien wars, our civilisation was left in the stone ages. The core worlds were supposedly decimated, yet I cannot shake the horrible feeling that something has survived. _

      -Polaris Confederacy Admiral Canaron,

    • Slug i'm still having trouble with that gateship thing BUT i'll try transplanting the consitions from Lvl 13 YO HO HO and see if that works

      BTW how on earth do u get Ares 1.2b6 to work on GR?


      Shoot!There goes my...
      Oops!I didnt do it, nobody saw me do it, You can prove anythin...

    • ill answer the gr question. For any game/version to work on gr evill has to upload it on to game ranger. So tell him 1.2b6 is out and he'll put it on.

      I know this and i still cant use hera 🙂

      btw: slug answer my question!


    • Pyro: No that doesn't work. It's not Kevill's fault, it's actually Nathan Lamont's fault. You see, GR automatically checks the version of Ares, and if it's more than 1.1.0, it will work. What Nathan lamont did when he released Ares 1.2b6 was make it 1.0.2, not 1.2.0, accidentally.

      Just crack out a copy of ResEditЩ, open Ares, and change the vers resource (both the sub-resources) from 1.0.2 to 1.2.0

      That's ok, Grammaticus, we all make mistakes!

      _After the Alien wars, our civilisation was left in the stone ages. The core worlds were supposedly decimated, yet I cannot shake the horrible feeling that something has survived. _

      -Polaris Confederacy Admiral Canaron,

    • Oh, does that mean there is going to be a B7 soon? Maybe with the lag bug, and the yo-ho-ho bug fixed.

    • Hopefully, b7 will be the last one.

      _After the Alien wars, our civilisation was left in the stone ages. The core worlds were supposedly decimated, yet I cannot shake the horrible feeling that something has survived. _

      -Polaris Confederacy Admiral Canaron,

    • heres a question u dont know where is angle?
      ever since i "left"
      hes been gone did something happen?

      'When you play with fire your gona get burned'
      EM said about the Audemedon Gate ship well chasing Mags small vessal!

    • Oh Damn i must be a freaking idiot at this point for messing up my again in yet another way. But here goes, I have tried to put a new title screen in my Mod, which has worked to a degree, The Image is there but when it loads up the colors are screwed then its put right, AND YES I'M A BLOODY MORON CUS THAT JUMPGATE IS STILL NOT WORKING!

      Zell (frustrated)

      Shoot!There goes my...
      Oops!I didnt do it, nobody saw me do it, You can prove anythin...

      (This message has been edited by Zell (edited 09-14-2000).)

    • um slug, me no gramaticus. me pyro. me caveman.

      oohhhh ahhh ahhh


    • Zell, to get that title screen to work what you need to do is make sure that it has the same color set as Ares.

      Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

    • It's gotta be 256 colors (ie: 8-bit image)

      _After the Alien wars, our civilisation was left in the stone ages. The core worlds were supposedly decimated, yet I cannot shake the horrible feeling that something has survived. _

      -Polaris Confederacy Admiral Canaron,

    • The picture's corors must be in Ares' color set. to get that color set, just open up Ares and open the "CLUT" resource. Somehow export that to Photoshop or GraphicConverter or whtever you use.

      Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

    • Ok thanx. Jumpgate is still not working, I may as well sack it if I cant get it working soon.


      Shoot!There goes my...
      Oops!I didnt do it, nobody saw me do it, You can prove anythin...

    • Question for Slug: Do you think this topic is turning out the way you wanted it to be?