This is the current list of things that are new:
-- fixed bug in Hera which could cause illegal data to be inserted into scenario file if an action was removed from an object; Ares would crash or complain that there were too many sprites and sounds; to fix a scenario file which suffers from this bug, open it with this new version of Hera, make any minor change, and save it.
- fixed omision of fields in Hera's Action Editor for the "Create Object Inherit Dest" action
- fixed bug in Hera which could cause it to be confused if more than one Scenario file was open at a time; it could fail to find resources and make them available, or fail to save them if changed
- fixed a bug in Hera which caused the Object Editor to put an object's offense value in the maximum velocity field
- fixed a bugs in Hera which could cause the Action Editor, Initial Editor, and Briefing Editor to forget currently entered values when the Add button was clicked (the duplicated data would be correct, but the original data would fail to be updated)
- changed Ares to allow a song of resource ID 4001 in an external scenario file to be played on startup, overriding the default Ares' Theme
- fixed a bug in Ares which could cause it to crash, or exhibit strange behavior, if a level was loaded with no legal song id
- changed text of -2021 message in Ares
- changed Ares to allow for health values to exceed an object's max