I don't think anyone on the boards knows, but it could be because they still think they can beat the bug, it does run on some versions of OSX, or they're not sure what to do now. I personally can't really just see them shoving the game in a box and not making it available to anyone ever again.
With my thinking you would have three possible out comes:
(1.) ASW fixes the bug and they re-release the game, everyone's happy.
(2.) ASW doesn't fix the bug but decieds to just release it to OS9 and some versions of OSX, some people are happy.
(3.) ASW gives up on the bug fix doesn't like freeware or just OS9 release and decides to just get rid of any eveidence that it was made and waits for everyone to move on and maybe play some of their other great games. No one's happy about it but what else is there to do? ASW owns the game and it's theirs to do with what they please.
Another problem if they released PoG and CS again is tech support. I thought I heard that there were other bugs in the game besides for the non-OSX compatabillty issue, and this would also meen that they would have to pump up this board some more (Moderating and such. Though I can't act like I know everything, I'm sure the moderators are doing their job even if we don't see them alot. EDIT: Not you ducky, or debra and any other mod I can't remeber.
I'de like to wonder what would happen if PoG and CS were released again but I don't wanna make it sound like it's going to be a sure thing again either.
Note: Sorry Foxwolf I would have replied to this sooner cept' I'm lazy and useally only click on the topic viewable from the main ASW web board. 
This post has been edited by Two Jacks : 14 February 2007 - 06:50 PM