Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I have seen a lot of scientific "mambo jambo" everywhere, but good thing that I am not seeing it here.

      To the point:
      Energy is a pretty abstract word, just because there's so many types of energy, e.g. movement, being more precise would not hurt when using that word. Ofcourse one can focuse electrons to a certain point (but if there's enough of them nothing can keep them put) and that's what the T-Space Bolt Rod is all about (a giant tesla DUHH!!).

      Damn I forgot what I was about to write DUHH!!!!

      Well later then

      I don't know much about science, don't know much chemistry (don't know how the song really goes but who cares) and so on well I really don't know much, but I am really interested in things and that's why I try to find out about things and learn.

      Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my

    • Im pretty knew in particle phisics, but there are some basic things I know that keep me from making up stuff that makes no sense ("hey guys!,lets shoot some fusion!"). I like learning about it too. Which reminds me, does anyone know if its possible to suspend a quark outside of a particle for more than a trillion trillionths of a nano second?

    • Not unless you have a reall small pair of tweesers... :rolleyes:

      Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
      -Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

    • you misspelled 'tweezers'

      Would you like to ride on your own ass?
      -Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand

    • Another nonsensical reply: Suspend the quark outside, then let it snap back in to inflict damage. Sort of like the rubber band shown:

      | |
      I| Pull back on this piece,
      | |

      <--release this part here

      | |
      | | When this part hits you, it stings.
      | |

      Try this on someone! It's fun!

      Once caalaklael, now Pallas Athene
      Athena, daughter and favorite of Zeus, half sister of Ares, goddess of wisdom and war

    • Can anyone help me here? Whenever I go back to check my ASCII graphics, I can't see the last thing I posted.

      Once caalaklael, now Pallas Athene
      Athena, daughter and favorite of Zeus, half sister of Ares, goddess of wisdom and war

    • Hmmm, I have an idea for a weapon, but it would be no fair. A weapon that launches reletivly low mass singularitys at high speeds. But im still wondering, is it possible to suspend a quark seperatly from its particle?

    • Anyone still reading messages here:

      A chronon is completely fictional, but whoever said it interacts differently with space/time is probably on the right track. Skewing the value of Plank's constant in a small area (completely impossible, even in theory, but probably would work on the same principle as the FTL warp drive so beloved of Ares fans) could fry things. If the energy from a fusion power plant was suddenly quantized into huge packets...BOOM!