I have seen a lot of scientific "mambo jambo" everywhere, but good thing that I am not seeing it here.
To the point:
Energy is a pretty abstract word, just because there's so many types of energy, e.g. movement, being more precise would not hurt when using that word. Ofcourse one can focuse electrons to a certain point (but if there's enough of them nothing can keep them put) and that's what the T-Space Bolt Rod is all about (a giant tesla DUHH!!).
Damn I forgot what I was about to write DUHH!!!!
Well later then
I don't know much about science, don't know much chemistry (don't know how the song really goes but who cares) and so on well I really don't know much, but I am really interested in things and that's why I try to find out about things and learn.
Strange just a moment ago I was flying through a dense asteroid field but now I feel quite cold And just what happened to my