Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Species Pattern

      While being a typical ARES freak, I noticed a pettern among species ship colors and their technologies:

      1. Inferior Species (Grolk, Human, Gaitori) Hulls: White

      2. Middle Species (Obiards, Ishiman, Cantharan) Hulls: Blue-Green Spectrum

      3. Advanced Species (Salrilian, Bazidan) Hulls: Dark colored, Brown, Black, Grey

      4. Godlike Species (Audemedon, Elejeetan) Hulls: Orange-Yellow Spectrum

      I hope people will follow these rules if they are going to create new species in plugins.
      (when HERA comes out, if ever)


      Would you like to ride on your own ass?
      -Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand

    • Interesting... Most Interesting...

      I wonder how I can abuse this in a plug I make...

      Sundered Angel ,
      The One and Only

    • I agree with Sundered Angel, that's very interesting.

      (This message has been edited by Bob (edited 05-02-2000).)

    • I am most definitely not using that pattern. The Grolk will be wiped from the face of the galaxy, and species will be equalized in some way. For example: the Gaitori Dreadnought: can you say flak artillery and rapid atomic pulse? The Gaitori certainly can.

      Once caalaklael, now Pallas Athene
      Athena, daughter and favorite of Zeus, half sister of Ares, goddess of wisdom and war

    • Like in EVO?
      The Voinians had a massive dreadnought that would teat into anything like wrapping paper. They may have a kickass dreadnought, but their ships still suck.

      If you wanted the Gaitori to be 'megapowerfull', you would have to replace every single ONE of their ships (well, not the carrier. Just rename it CRUISER, and they might be ok)


      Would you like to ride on your own ass?
      -Advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand

    • Replace every ship?

      How about every gait ship with increased pellet gun range, and the shots are homing. (its not that cheap, because they go so fast, it would only make the guns slightly better).

      I'd fly one of those anyday...

      ...and I will

      "These are my terms, abide by them or drink vacuum."-Tycho

    • It doesn't take a genius for a Gaitori user to figure out that all he has to do is wait for a dreadnought. Cotton Mouse, you're right. Weapons do need to upgraded. Is it possible to mount rear firing CPGs? Those would turn the odds somewhat.

      Once caalaklael, now Pallas Athene
      Athena, daughter and favorite of Zeus, half sister of Ares, goddess of wisdom and war